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The rest of the night was fun for Jimin, Jin, Yoongi, and Jungkook. After Jimin's dare Jungkook also managed to give naughty dares to Yoongi and Jin. Taehyung, Hoseok, and Namjoon should definitely thank Jungkook tomorrow when they go home.

Although they were having fun they also passed out from the many shots they took. Now it's 2pm and they are all awake and eating before Jimin, Yoongi, and Jungkook leave.

"God my head is spinning," Jin says, drinking from his water. "Yesterday was wild with truth or dare," Yoongi says giving Jungkook a glare.

"Hey you guys don't have to do the dare but if you don't I get to see you guys wasted again," Jungkook says with a grin. "I'm not backing out," Jimin says determined.

"Ooo look at our Jiminie ready to dominate Taehyung," Yoongi says causing Jimin to turn red. "Well it would be a good surprise," Jin says.

"But where will I buy the outfit," Jimin says with a pout. "Well... I happen to have lingerie and I also recently bought a light pink one but it's too small for me," Jin says with a small blush on his face.

"Looks like someone does this often," Jungkook says, teasing Jin. "Hey shut up kid," Jin replies.

"Look let's just get Jimin dressed and prepare him for a fun day with with his man," Yoongi says.

The other two agree and go get Jimin's clothes.

Once Jimin was all ready and pretty he was getting ready to leave and surprise Taehyung.

"Wow Jimin you look so beautiful," Jin said, as he saw Jimin. "He's right Jiminie you look amazing," Jungkook says.

Jimin blushed as he looked down to see how well the skirt and crop top complemented his curves.

"Oof well I'll see you guys later," Jimin says. "You got this and text us what happens," Yoongi replies.


Taehyung let out a yawn as he stretched. They boys ended up staying at Hoseoks since it was closer and he was about to throw up. Taehyung looked around to see the Hoseok and Namjoon still passed out but he expected it, anyways he got up to look for his phone. Once he found it he saw the time and noticed it was 3pm which means he has to leave in order to meet up with Min-Jun.

"Shit I still need to tell Jimin about this," Taehyung says with a sigh.

He quickly grabbed his things and left so he can wait for Jimin at home. He didn't know Jimin was already at the dorm waiting for him.


"Do you guys think Jimin will actually do it?" Jin asked. "Hmm why don't we go see," Jungkook suggested.

"We can record Taehyung's reaction!" Jin says, Jungkook and Yoongi agree thinking it will be funny.

"Alright let's go, this will definitely be gold," Yoongi says with a playful smirk.


The guys were only going to record Taehyung's reaction and then leave while also having a laugh. So right now they were about to make the turn to Jimin's and Taehyung hallway.

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