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When Taehyung told Jimin they were going to the movies he thought they would actually go to a movie theater. To his surprise that wasn't the case, the drive was longer than expected but when they arrived at the location Jimin noticed it was Taehyung's home. The memories started coming back as he looked at the house.

"Tae? What are we doing here?" Jimin asked as he got out the car. "We're on our date remember," Taehyung says taking Jimin's hand.

"At your house?" "It's a surprise" Taehyung says with a wink.

They both make their way to the front door, Jimin was about to knock but Taehyung just reached forward and opened it.

"Eomma? Appa?" Taehyung said as they walked inside his house. It was quiet until they heard footsteps coming from upstairs.

"Tae!" Taehyung's mom said, as she walked towards the couple extending her arms to hug her son.

"Sweetie I thought you were coming later," she said as they hugged. "I thought it was better if we came early," Taehyung replied.

"Oh that's absolutely fine, we already had everything set up," his mom said with a wink. Jimin just stood confused by what they meant.

"Jimin! My sweet boy, it's been a long time since I've seen you," "Hi Mrs.Kim," Jimin says hugging Taehyung's mom.

"Ah sweetie please call me eomma," "Ok eomma," Jimin says.

Taehyung smiles watching the interaction between his mom and lover. "Eomma where's dad?" "He's coming home soon," Mrs.Kim says leading the boys to the dining table.

"Anyways I made some food for you guys," Jimin and Taehyung look at the able and see the table filled with delicious food. "Wow eomma that looks amazing!" Taehyung says already drooling. "Taehyung's right," Jimin says giggling at Taehyung's cute behavior.

Just as they all sit down, Mr.Kim walks in the house.

"Oh everyone's here already," Mr.Kim says, as he walks to the dining table.

"Jimin! Hey it's been awhile," Mr.Kim says, walking over to hug Jimin. "It has been awhile Mr.Kim," Jimin says hugging Mr.Kim back.

"You're just in time for dinner," Mrs. Kim says as she grabs a plate for her husband. "Great, I was just starting to get hungry," Mr.Kim says taking his seat.

Everyone got settled down at the dining and started to fill their plates with the food Mrs.Kim cooked. They would start a conversation here and there as well as catching up with what has been happening recently. The Kim's catch up with Jimin and how's he's been since the last time they saw him.

"Eomma that was delicious," Jimin says finishing his food. "Why thanks sweetie," Mrs.Kim replies.

When everyone finished Mrs.Kim started cleaning up the plates, "let me help you eomma," Jimin says picking up the plates as well. "It's ok sweetie, but why don't you and Tae go to the backyard," Mrs. Kim says.

"Oh right! Jiminie follow me," Taehyung says taking the dishes from Jimin so he can put them in the sink. "Um ok," Jimin says frowning.

"Alright!" Taehyung says as he grabs Jimin's hands and leads him outside. Before Taehyung opens the door to the backyard he covers Jimin's eyes with his hands.

"Uh Tae what are you doing?" Jimin asks placing his hands over Taehyung's. "You'll see."

They keep walking until Taehyung stops Jimin. "Ok open your eyes," Taehyung says removing his hands.

Jimin opens his eyes and sees lights hanging on the trees while there's a big projector in the back. "Wow Tae! Did you do this?" Jimin asks pulling Taehyung in for a hug. "Well not really, I got help from my parents," Taehyung says hugging him back.

"It's beautiful thanks ," Jimin says with a small blush. "There's actually a reason why I planned this..." Taehyung says, pulling back grabbing Jimin's hands.

"What do you mean Tae?" Jimin asks, staring at Taehyung. "Jimin I know it's only been a couple weeks since Min-Jun and I separated but I can't help it anymore. I need to have you with me, call me greedy I don't care, I just want to hold you, kiss you, and give you my love. What I'm trying to say is... would you be my boyfriend?"

Jimin immediately nods and cups Taehyung's face to kiss him. "I would love to be your boyfriend!" Taehyung smiles and kiss Jimin again.

"Should we watch our movie now, love?" Taehyung asks, smiling holding Jimin's waist. "Yes Tae bear," Jimin says.

They kiss once more before sitting down on the couch with a blanket over themselves. They watch the movie cuddling with each other the whole time.

I put out a Vmin oneshot not that long ago and I might also put out a Namjin one. Ok that's all thanks!!! <3

 Ok that's all thanks!!! <3

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