❦ Broken

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Taehyung woke up the next morning feeling ready to start his day. He got up from his comfortable bed and made his way downstairs for breakfast. What he didn't count on was Jimin already making pancakes and god did they smell good.

"Morning," Taehyung said as he sat on one of the chairs. Wow so much for trying to avoid him. "Morning," Jimin replied which came out as more of a whisper.

"Listen I know I reacted bad yesterday but I don't know maybe we can start again?" "You mean as friends again?" Jimin asked flipping a pancake.

"Yeah I mean we can try? If you want to of course," Taehyung said rubbing his neck. "Sure, it would be nice to try and work together instead being at each other's necks." Jimin said flipping the last pancake and turning off the stove.

Jimin grabbed his plate with pancakes and placed it on the table. He was about to have a bite when he saw Taehyung practically drooling.

He chuckles "Do you want some?" Taehyung's eyes sparkled when Jimin asked him that. "Yes!"

Jimin giggles and gives Taehyung some pancakes from his plate. Taehyung's heart felt warm when he heard Jimin giggle but again he ignored it.


To say the universe was against Taehyung would be an understatement. He had seven classes with Jimin and only one with Min-Jun.

It wasn't that bad really since they decided to start back on square one but he's just a bit sad he won't be able to see his boyfriend in classes.

Jimin on the hand was happy because he had those classes with Jungkook and a part of him was also happy that Taehyung was in his class. Jimin knew Taehyung would probably not even care that Jimin was in his class and that hurt him a little.

Since Jimin was pretty much alone throughout the whole day he decided to meet Jungkook at library.

"Hey hyung!" The younger yelled but forgot he was in a library so he quickly apologized and pulled Jimin him to a table ignoring the stares people we're giving him.

"You really know how to make a scene," Jimin says as he giggles. "I forgot we were in the library," Jungkook whispered yelled. Jimin rolled his eyes playfully, "sure."

"So how was your day?" "A little unexpected to say the least," Jimin said sighing. "Really? How come?" Jungkook asked resting his head on his palm.

"Well I have seven classes with my ex who's also my roommate..."Jimin says. "Oh shit," Jungkook says almost quietly.

"Wait but are you guys okay with each other or no?" "We actually made up this morning because he said he wants to start back at square one" Jimin replies playing with his fingers.

"And do you want that too?" Jungkook asks trying to fully understand his hyung. "Well to be honest I'm not sure." Jungkook nods, "if you still love him then go after him or at least tell him how you feel so he won't give up on you."

Jimin stays quiet for a bit letting the youngers words sink into his head. Does he want to go back with Taehyung or does he want to remain friends? His mind and his heart don't seem to be agreeing right now. His heart is screaming Taehyung's name but his mind is playing the worst scenarios.

"It's still to early to even be thinking about that so for right now being friends is fine with me," Jimin says forcing a smile.


When Jimin went back to the dorm he was surprised to not see Taehyung there. He shrugged it off and went to the kitchen for an apple when he saw a note.

Went to grab some groceries, be back later!

Jimin didn't even notice that they barely had any groceries.  He went upstairs to leave his bag and came back down to watch t.v. and wait for Taehyung.

After a couple minutes he heard a knock at the door and thought it was Taehyung so he went to open it.

"Tae-" he quickly cut himself off when he saw someone other than Taehyung. "Hey is Taehyung here?" The person asked.

"Um no he went to grab some groceries," Jimin replied. " Oh well when he comes tell him to meet me at my place." "Sure can I get your name?"

"My bad I didn't introduce myself, I'm Min-Jun Taehyung's boyfriend. And you are?" Min-Jun asked holding out his hand for Jimin to shake.

Suddenly Jimin's heart started to clinch when he heard Min-Jun say he's Taehyung's boyfriend. 

"I-I'm Jimin... Tae's roommate," Jimin said as he shook his hand. "Nice to mee you Jimin," Min-Jun said then looked at his watch. "Well I gotta go but please tell Taehyung to meet me later, bye!"

And with that Min-Jun left and Jimin stood there hands on his chest while his legs gave up leaving him on the floor crying his heart out.

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