"There is also a person who is most beautiful in the whole Kingdom" jungkook told them and the maids looked at him strangely.

"Are you dreaming? There is no one more handsome than the crown prince and commander" one of them glared at him. He shrugged.

"You must haven't seen him then" jungkook rolled his eyes. They both ignored him and continued their conversation. Jungkook looked out of the carriage in which they were travelling. The horses were out of sight now.

"They haven't seen Vick. Stupids that's why they are saying this" he mumbled to himself and then smiled at the memory of his mate's handsome face.

I can't wait to meet you tonight

Jungkook thought.

They were done with buying the groceries but it was taking too much space and they managed to fit them on carriage but there wasn't more space left to sit in the carriage. The maids and guard decided they will take the carriage and since jungkook is a beta male he can travel bck to the palace on his own. And so he was left to walk on his own while the carriage left for the palace.

He sighed and started his walk. All of a sudden he felt dizzy and stumbled but he quickly stabled himself. He touched his forehead and it was sweating.

"Am I ill" he thought to himself but shrugged it of, "maybe i'm just tired". He continued his walk towards the palace but his arm was gripped by someone. He flinched and looked behind but his frown was immediately replaced by a smile.

"Commander yoongi" he smiled.

They were headed back to the palace now. Yoongi was riding the horse while jungkook was sitting in front. He wasn't scared this time and actually enjoyed their ride.

"They left you alone?" yoongi asked him and he nodded.

"Yes there wasn't much space on the carriage hyung"

And yoongi scoffed.

"Then one of them should have walked instead" he said annoyed.

"It's okay hyung" Jungkook reassured him. They were on their way when jungkook saw a lot of soldiers walking around the kingdom and got confused.

"Hyung why there so many soldiers are walking around" he asked.

"There is going to be a war soon. Gangnam has declared a war on us. The king and soldiers will leave in a week and the security of the kingdom has been increased just in case" yoongi told him and jungkook's heart beat quickened.

" Wh-hat. There is w-war" he asked scared of the upcoming events.

" Yes but don't worry our soldiers are well trained and brave there are many more chances of us to win." Yoongi told him trying to calm him. He knew jungkook was scared. And Jungkook unconsciously released his phremones and yoongi stiffened in his place at the smell that was coming from the beta in front of him.

This scent can't be of a beta.

yoongi thought confusedly but didn't said anything about it.


Jungkook was seated in his hiding place on the bench waiting for vick to arrive but he didn't came. He almost gave up and was going to sleep when he heard vick. He chirped up at his sight.

"you're late" he complained but vick didn't said much and just went to sit beside him. Jungkook sensed his distress.

"What happened" he asked

"I'm just worried about something"

"About the war" Jungkook asked and taehyung looked at him confusedly.

In The Moonlight _ TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now