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Throne room:

All ministers , King , commander yoongi and hoseok, Royal advisor namjoon and Crown prince were present in the throne room. King Jongsuk had informed them about the war threat from gangnam and that what ministers think of the situation. If they want to do negotiation or else they had a war to fight in a week. Everyone was perturbed after hearing the news. War was a dangerous topic. They never wanted to have a war unless other side was being too cruel or harmful for the safety of the Kingdom. So all ministers stood by the decision of King.

"We stand by the decision made by our King. We are aware of the King's love for his Kingdom and that he will never make a decision that will harm the sanctuary of the Kaghan" the spokesperson for ministers said.

" I also want my ministers to make decision regarding the defense of the Kingdom. Who do you suggest should look after the Royal palace and Kingdom in my absence." King asked from his ministers. There was some chattering and discussions and after that everyone agreed on choosing one person that was the best for the responsibility and that can look after the matters of the kingdom like King.

" The conference of ministers Chooses Commander Min Yoongi as the one who should look after the kingdom in the absence of King" the spokesperson said but yoongi furrowed his brows.

"Your majesty I want to fight beside my King in the war. I can't risk your safety by staying behind. I swore to serve you in peace and war I would like to accompany you in war" Yoongi bowed and told the King.

"Your majesty commander Yoongi is right. He is highly skilled and brave you should take him with you and I would recommend to make Lee jaein the head of Kingdom for time being" Kim jongshin proposed.

" I can understand all of your concerns but I only trust commander Min yoongi who can look after the Kingdom in my absence. Commander this is your King's command. I want you to take the responsibility of kingdom in my absence" King Jongsuk said in a firm tone and yoongi bowed in respect.

" Yes your majesty"

"So It's final, Commander Yoongi and Royal Advisor Kim Namjoon will be looking after the Kingdom in my absence. I trust them. I'll fight the war along with my soldiers and commander yoongi and Kim jongsuk will lead the army. We will start planning the whole war from tomorrow." King Said and all ministers bowed in respect and agreed with his decisions.

"I'll accompany the King in war" Tehyung said and all ministers looked at him worriedly.

"But Crown prince your safety will be threatened and so does the future of the Kingdom" Han Sangin an old and faithful minister spoke up.

"I'm sure we will win the war. I'm crown prince so it's my responsibility to fight for the safety of my Kingdom." Taehyung bowed and said. The ministers wanted to oppose but King spoke up.

"Crown Prince Kim Taehyung will accompany us in the war" Kim Jongsuk said and the court was dismissed.


Jungkook was ready to go out of the palace and to bring groceries along with two other maids and a guard. They were on their way to the market when a few horses passed by them. He saw commander yoongi that was present on one of the horses. The maids started murmuring when they saw the commander.

"Commander yoongi is so Handsome" one of the maids said and the other agreed.

"Yes I have heard that only crown prince is more handsome than him.Commander yoongi is the jewel of our Kingdom" the second maid said dreamily and jungkook smiled by hearing their conversation.

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