Chapter 18: Sophie's POV

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Everyone-but Dex and Biana-seemed shocked.

We were silent for a while until Keefe asked, "But you're coming home, right?"

I nodded. "Me and Chase are leaving the Order-tonight. When we meet up with Acer."

"So you were lying to us from the start?" Linh actually seemed... angry.

"It was the hardest thing I had ever done, and also the stupidest. I'm really, really sorry." I insisted.

"So... you're... er, Bi?" Fitz questioned. 

I nodded. Was he going to be-

"Okay. I just was confused about that part. It's not super common in the Lost Cities, so i just don't really know-"

I laughed. "It's fine, Fitz."

"Sophie," Biana poked me, "It's almost midnight. We need to meet him."

"Oh, yeah," I mumbled, helping Chase up, "We'll be right back-well, we won't, just go to Havenfield tomorrow and wait."


"Let's go, we need to hurry." Acer said when we came into view.

"Actually, we need to talk to you." Me and Chase said in unison.

Acer crossed his arms. "What now?"

"We want to leave the Order."

Acer stiffened. "Why?"

"I feel like it was stupid, to run away like that, and I already promised all my friends I would see them in the Lost Cities, and-"

"That's... fine." He mumbled. "Miss Vacker? Are you planning on staying?"

Biana nodded, "I just want to be placed in the Lost Cities. That's my only request."

Acer shrugged, "We can work that out. Chase, Sophie, you'll still come with me so we can explained to Mylah and Apollo."


"You want to leave the Order." Apollo clarified for the seventh time. We nodded. "Now?"

"Yes..." Me and Chase whispered.

"Why?" Mylah demanded.

"I was stupid to run away without no warning. I don't know what I was thinking. Besides, we weren't exactly getting anything done in the Forbidden Cities, so, we figured, what's the point?" I shrugged.

"Well, at least stay the night," Apollo insisted. "You can leave in the morning."

I didn't really sleep that well. I wanted to see Grady and Edaline. I missed them so much. I can't believe I just left them...

I would see them soon. That's all that matters.


I leaped to Havenfield right away in the morning with Chase. Keefe, Tam, and Linh had brought them outside like I had instructed.

I laughed and ran towards them. They looked shocked but overjoyed.

As I tackled them in a hug, my mind kept drifting back to that happy song I listen to in the woods.

Home at last.



I'm going to go through the story and fix it up after I finished the epolouge.



Let me know if you want a Biana perspective of when she's in the Order.

Or a sequel.


Have a super-awesome amazing day!

-Hemispherical Turtle

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