Chapter 11: Biana(And others)

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"What's wrong with you?" I asked when a very annoyed Fitz came into the apartment and slammed the door.

"Are they even CIVILIZED?" Fitz yelled, slamming his fists on the table.

"PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" I heard Linh yell.

"Seriously?" Fitz mumbled. "Kissing in the middle of the sidewalk? SERIOUSLY?"

"Ah. You ran into Kaydence and Max, didn't you?" I asked, slipping my water.

"Is it not obvious?"

"So, buddy, you know, she's OBVIOUSLY not interested, and, she isn't Sophie. You know that. You can't pretend she is." 

"I'm not pretending she's Sophie. She's kind and cute, and-"

"Meh meh meh, she deserves so much better." I mocked him. "Ignore her love life for ONE SECOND, Fitz. You don't own her."

"I never said I did."

I rolled my eyes. "Then why-" I was cut off by the doorbell ringing. (I know this isn't how apartments work. Sorry.)

I opened the door to see Chase. "Uh, hi?"

"It's almost eight and S-I mean, Kaydence isn't home yet. Is she here?" Chase asked.

I caught that! She started to said Sophie! "Uh, no. Why is she not home?"

"No idea! We need to find her!"

"Okay-let's go-come on, Fitzypoo-let's go." He muttered something that I couldn't hear but then followed us out the door.

"Let's check the lake first. That's where I saw them." Fitz said, and we headed off in that direction.


"I see them." I whispered to Max, pointing to Biana, Chase, and Fitz.

"They're coming this way. Come on-let's get up higher." Max smirked and helped me onto the next branch. 

I snickered as they walked right passed the tree. I might have been too loud because Biana came over and looked up.

"Kaydence. Get down here!" She said, rolling her eyes with a smile.

"Fiiiiiine." I groaned and went down, and Max followed.

As soon as I touched the ground, Fitz tackled me in a hug. "Thank god you're safe, I thought he hurt you."

I squirmed. "He didn't hurt me-get off of me!"

He backed away, blushing. I scowled, annoyed. "Why were you so late? If he hurt you, I swear-"

"He DIDN'T hurt me, Fitz! I'm fed up with your crap!" I snapped. "I was trying to have a nice night with my boyfriend, and then you come along and STALK me like an absiloute creep!"

Fitz seemed offended, so I continued. "Oh, PLEASE. Let's just pretend you weren't in the restaurant, watching us like a creepy psychopath!" He tried to say something, but I cut him off. "I rejected you! So that means NO, I DO NOT LIKE YOU BACK."

"Sop-KAYDENCE. I think you're a little tired-" 

"Ugh, screw Kaydence." I snapped, feeling a little dizzy.


"Kaydence? Are you okay?" Max asked as Sophie stumbled a little bit.

"Did she have anything to drink? Like wine or beer?" Biana asked.

"No!" Max insisted.

"What did she mean, 'screw Kaydence'?" Fitz asked.

"She's obviously drunk or been drugged, we need to take her home." Chase mumbled, ignoring him.

"I'm not drunk." Sophie insisted.

"Then you've been drugged. Come on, we're going home." Chase wrapped an arm around her shoulder but Sophie shook out of it.

"NoOoOoOoOo-I wanna stay with Max." Sophie said, grabbing Max's arm. Fitz glared and Max blushed a little bit.

"Kaydence, I think you should go home. It's getting a little late."


"That's it." Max grumbled and scooped her up like a baby. "Come on, let's get you home."

He followed Chase and Biana away, but Fitz trailed behind, glaring daggers at Max.


Aww. It was so sweet. 

Kaydence had fallen asleep in Max's arms on the way back, and had placed her on the couch.

"You're sure-"

"She had nothing to drink!" Max insisted. "It was just soda. Maybe it was old or something, or she's just having a sugar crash!"(idk what its called but when you have to much sugar and feel tired and stuff :P)

Chase glanced at her phone. "OH CRAP!" She yelled and quickly called someone, rushing into the other room.

"Uh, OKAY." I said. "Let's wait until the morning to see. I'll ask Chase about staying the night."

"What about us?" Max and Fitz asked in unison. Fitz scowled.

"You guys should go home. Really, it's nothing to worry about." I insisted."Try not to kill each other."

Max seemed confused. "Uhh, okay..."

I sighed as they left. "I missed you, Soph."

"Huh?"Chase asked, coming back.

"She's Sophie, isn't she?" I asked.

"What do you-"

"You said 'S-I mean, Kaydence' and then'Sop-KAYDENCE' and then she said 'screw Kaydence'. It's a little bit obvious."

Chase sighed. "You can't tell anyone! We'll get in big trouble and-" My eyes widened. "Oh, I've said too much, haven't I?"


"Sooo, yeah." I mumbled after telling Biana EVERYTHING. About Sophie, about the Winter Order. and she seemed SHOCKED.


"Ughhhhhhh." I looked over and Sophie was waking up.

"Sophie!" We said in unison. 

She glanced at Biana. "You're not supposed to know that I'm me." She said, still half asleep.

"But I do. Chase told me everything." Biana told her.

"Chaseeeee." Sophie groaned. "We gonna get FIRED."

"Uh, I don't think we can get-" I was cut off by Sophie passing out, her head thumping the pillow. I laughed. Just a little bit.

A/N: Ya. It's cheesy.

But-WOW. 24 views. It's a lot more than I thought I would get. 

Have an amazing day!

-Hemispherical Turtle

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