Chapter 2: Sophie's POV

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I was filled with pride when Acer brought me to the Winter Order's hideout. Not that we needed one. We were there to restore order. Not the Black Swam but better.

He led me into a room where a girl with long blonde hair in a braid and blue eyes was swinging her legs on the top bunk. My eyes were drawn to her nose piercing and many ear piercings, along with a tattoo of a crow on her shoulder. It was a small room, like a dorm, I guess.

"Sophie. This is your roommate, Chase. You two are also partners, and your first assignment will be in two days." Acer practically shoved me in and closed the door.

"Hi, Sophie. Nice to meet you-oh, we kinda look the same!" Chase smiled. I squint my eyes, trying to see it. "Well, other than the makeup, tattoo, piercings, and the eternity of hell blazing i my eyes." She laughed when my eyes widened. "Hey, I'm not evil."

"Oh-good, neither am I." I responded. "Do you know what the assignment is? Two days seem to be their mark on everything."

"All I know is we're going to some high school in the human world, to 'eliminate problems'." She shrugged. "Well? Why did you join the order?"

"Because the Black Swam was too weak to do anything the right way. So I left, and came here." I shrugged.

"Wait, you're Sophie FOSTER?" Chase's eyes widened.

"Wait, you've heard about me?"

"Um, yeah. My parents told me how you saved the Elvin world, like, tons of times." Chase said, "And, now that's something. They never tell me ANYTHING."

"Why not?"

"They claim the world is too dangerous. That's actually why I left. Never let me go out or have friends. Home schooled me, stuff like that. And then I heard about you and your friends, making a actual change in the world. So I came here."

I blushed. I didn't know people were INSPIRED by me. But I immediately stopped, realizing what a fool I looked like.

We talked for a bit more, our interests, stuff like that. That's when Acer came in and called me out. I waved goodbye to Chase and followed him out.

"Sophie, because you're somewhat famous and people will recognize you, we need to make some alterations." Acer said, walking through the halls.

"What do you mean?" I asked, struggling to keep up.

"Nothing big. Just change of hair or eye color or something like that." He shrugged and walked into a room. "Brennan. She's here."

I followed him in and there was a old man waiting inside. I assumed he was Brennan.

"Ah, the legendary Sophie Foster. Sit, sit." Brennan insisted. I hesitantly sat down. I wasn't exactly okay with this.

Brennan smiled at me. "Sophie, this will be no big deal. It's only eye drops and hair dye. Nothing permanent."

"And Sophie, I insist you get some sleep during this." Acer insisted, closing the door. I shrugged.

Then they started, I guess you would call it. Brennan put some weird green eye drops in my eyes and told me to lay down.

I obeyed, I was too tired to object. Almost as soon as I closed my eyes, I was asleep.


When I woke, I was still lying on the cot. I sat up and scanned the room. Brennan had left and it was only Acer.

"Sophie. You're up. You look nearly unrecognizable."

I nodded and yawned. "Wait-what?" I sat up quickly and practically jumped out of the cot. Acer laughed and turned a mirror towards me.

I still had the same face, thank god, but I had freckles and emerald green eyes, and my hair was red and wavy instead of blonde.

"Follow me, Sophie." Acer said, and walking out the door so quickly I had to run after him.

He lead me into a room with a big table that Chase and two other people I didn't know were sitting at.

"Sophie?" Chase squinted her eyes. I nodded and she said, "Oh, yeah. Forgot that I didn't have to do that.

The girl sitting next to Chase glared at her. I took the seat next to her and Acer sat beside me.

"Chase, Sophie, welcome." the man at the head of the table said. "I'm Apollo, I am the leader of the Winter Order." He glanced at the girl to start talking.

"As you know, in two days, you will be going on your first assignment," She began, "That assignment is to go into this high school and rat out any Neverseen members." She glanced at Acer.

"Thank you, Mylah," Acer said, "Each day, you will call us at 8 P.M., and update us. You will stay for a month and then come back to a weekend and update on the whole month."

"As you should know, Sophie, people will also recognize your name," Apollo continued, "You'll be taking the roll of Kaydence Winter."

"Any questions?" Mylah finished.

"Nope." I shrugged.

"Where will we be staying?" Chase asked.

"With me."


(Btw it is NOT Apollo. Just wanted to clear that up.)

Sorry there are so many identity changes with Sophie. I mean, I had to change her up a bit because SOMEONE from the Lost Cities would have recognized her. And that would mess up the story.

Anyways, I hope you like it!

Have an amazing day!

-Hemispherical Turtle

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