Chapter 4: Sophie's POV

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(A/N: This chapter has a tiny bit of swearing)

I was waiting for Chase to finish getting her stuff when I saw them looking at me.

Biana and Keefe.

We locked eyes and I smiled slightly and waved. Then I whispered, "I know those people. Act like I called them stupid or something and laugh so we can walk away." in her ear. Almost on cue, we burst into hysterical laughter and walked away like we were in a hurry.

When we turned the corner and were out of sight, I explained, "Those were some of my friends from my old school. They recognized me."

"No biggie. See you during lunch?" Chase asked. I nodded and waved goodbye and went towards my first period class, Math. I hate math.

I placed my stuff on an empty desk without checking who I was next too.

Great. I sat right next to Biana.

"Sophie?" She asked. I ignored her and she said it again. "Sophie?"

"Oh, are you talking to me?" I asked, pretending to sound confused. "I'm sorry, you have the wrong person."

"Sorry. I could've sworn I've seen you before."

"It's fine." I held out my hand with a smile. "I'm Kaydence. Nice to meet you."

She smiled. "I'm Biana."

Math went through without anymore awkwardness. I was shocked to see they were here. Why were they here?

"Do you maybe want to sit with me and my friends at lunch?" Biana asked me.

"Oh-sure, let me just ask my cousin." I told her.


"Chase. We moved here together." I explained. 

"Oh yeah, I saw you earlier-what were you laughing about, by the way?" 

"Oh, uh, the boy? With the poofy hair? He reminded us of some dorky kid from our old school. Sorry if it seemed mean." I explained.

"Oh, it's not biggie. Well, I'll see you at lunch?"

"Yeah. See you then."


"Chase, they could know stuff about the Neverseen." I muttered.

"I don't think it's really safe."

"Pleaaaasseeee." I begged. 

Chase rolled her eyes. "Fine."

We got in line to get our lunch trays when someone bumped in to me, knocking me over.

"I'm so sorry-my friends were playing some stupid game and they bumped into me and-" I turned over and saw that the boy was very attractive.


I blushed anyways. "It's no big deal." He offered me his hand and helped me up.

"I'm Max, by the way."

"I'm Kaydence." I smiled. His eyes were a dark green, I had just realized when I heard Chase telling me to hurry up. "I should go, I'll see you around?" 

Without wait for a response I went up to catch up with Chase. "Don't get distracted." She warned me, handing me a tray.

"Won't happen again. Promise."

I was scanning for Biana when she waved me over to a table where I saw her, Keefe, Tam, Linh, Fitz, and Dex. I walked over, followed by Chase, and noticed Keefe was watching me with his mouth slightly open.

Winter-KOTLC Fanfiction(AKA the worst fanfiction you'll ever read)(COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora