Chapter 12: Sophie

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Thank you so much for the votes and the views! I almost discontinued this story but I'm going to try and keep going!

Enjoy :3

I don't really remember much. I yelled at Fitz, and then everything is blank. Biana knows I'm-well, ME. But she promised not to tell anyone.

The next day at school I scanned the halls for Fitz. When I finally saw him, I waved him over. He scowled and ignored me.

I rolled my eyes and stormed over to him. "Fitz. We need to t-"

"No, we don't."

"Yes, we-"

"We don't, SOPHIE."

I stumbled back a bit. Biana told him. Crap! 

"Oh, you're at THAT again!" I snapped. He looked slightly confused. "I've had enough of this 'Sophie' crap! And you know very well that I'm not her! So, shut up and let me talk!"

"You sound like you did last night." He grumbled and tried to shove past me. By now a couple of people were watching. I didn't let him by.

"Oh, shut up! You know very well there was something wrong!"

"YEAH, he DRUGGED you."


"Then what was wrong?" His voice was getting louder.

"Well, I have no idea! But he DIDN'T drug me!" I yelled.

"He did." He lowered his voice and whispered, "Do you have any idea what I would give to be him? To have you love me? He doesn't deserve you. He never did."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're madly in love with me and my boyfriend doesn't deserve me." I rolled my eyes, my voice louder, "Well I think he does! And if you keep this crap up I don't think we can even be friends."

Fitz looked shocked and hurt for a second but then he had a look on his face that I couldn't quite read.

I didn't want to hear anything else, so I whipped around and walked to class.

"You seriously told him?" I asked Biana in a whisper, standing next to her as she pulled books out of her locker.

"Told who what?" She asked, not looking at me.

"Fitz. About me." I rolled my eyes. "Please don't play dumb."

"I never told Fitz anything."

"Did you tell anyone who could have told him?"

Biana turned to face me. "Stop. You're being paranoid. I told nobody. Nobody knows but me."

I sighed, running my hand through my hair. "You're right. I should just relax."

My phone rang and I pulled it out. It was from Max.


Meet me in the front of the school in 5.


Uh, I have class?

(A/N: It glitched. Something is wrongggg. I'm going to post next part as soon as possible. It will be short because it's just a part 2 of this. Sorry)

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