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Y/n, I'm sorry but........." Dr. Choi halted, looking at me with petty. I knew what he meant but, I wanted him say it. I swallowed all my sorrows, and ignoring my ached heart, I asked him, "but,, what Mr. Choi?"

"Y-you're not improving y/n. You should get admitted, y/n, listen to me." He finally spoke with hesitation.

"Sigh* you think I'll be saved is so?"

"........all I can say is, we'll try our best Y/n... "

That's all I've got. I never thought, I would give up this early. My dreams, my loves, my life, everything. I'm losing my everything.

"Y/n? Don't worry, we've time. All we need is a donor." Dr. Choi gave his condolences.

I looked at him with my crystal eyes, trying my best to hold in.
" No problem Dr. Choi. Thank you" I gave a weak smile at him, having no more control of my bottled up emotions, I stood up, bowed to him and left.

As soon as, my hand touched the door knob, my tears automatically started streaming down my cheeks.

My already faculed heart was now just a beat away to explode out of pain.

Why? Why it has to be me? Why am I meant to break all my promises? I promised that I'll always be the Angel of my parents and never let them down but even before I could make that promise happen my dad left me, he left us, my happy family life came crashing down. I promised my brother that, I won't ever cry and be strong but, I broke that promise too. I promised that, I'll never leave my mom like everyone did but now, I'm doing the same.
I hate it. I hate myself.

Thoughts and reasons carried away my mind, messing it so bad that I could not even feel the pain in my heart, and the effect it got me.

I bumped onto someone on the exit of the hospital, "ah...sorry!" I bowed and without even looking at him, I passed him.

Nobody knows about this. My mom thinks I'm doing all fine. Even I got to know my situation only after getting here to Busan some months ago. It was hard for me to handle but I always had that someone to bare with me.

"y/n?" That person called.

I raised my head up to see, "Jay?" I, unconsciously breath out as soon as my eyes caught him.
A smile automatically crept it's way my lips.

"Y/n? Don't cry, plz. I'm here now, don't worry." He pulled me in for a warm hug that I missed like crazy.

I snuggled and made myself comfortable, feeling safe and secure on his embrace. My wet cheeks got contacted to his clothed chest.

"I missed you like crazy, y/n" he whispered, squeezing me tighter on his embrace.
But I didn't had the strength to reply him back. I know, I would break again if I open my mouth.

"Didn't you miss me?" He loosened the hug and held my face to look at him.
"Ahh.....even tho how much you try to get rid of me, I'm not leaving you so early, y/n. So stop trying to kill me with that cute crybaby look" he pouted.

I couldn't afford but to crack a small chuckle. I feel so much relief and carefree when he's near me....he always stood by me, he is and I know he will always be.

"Y/n? Is that you?" A voice very very familiar snapped me back. I turned back and saw Jimin. He had a huge bandage on his right hand.

"Jimin?" "What happened to your hand?" I asked getting a bit worried, he all fine till this afternoon. Did he get into a fight?

"Y/n, what are you doing he-- who is he?" He jogged up to us, better say, ran up to us, ignoring my question like it never existed.

"Ummm....He is my oppa" I bluntly replied.

I could see Jay's shock expression as I never called him so. My brother who is no more, my Oppa was my only brother.

"O-oppa?" Jimin interrogate, giving out that triggered expression.

"Yes, I'm her Oppa, and who are you??" Jay suddenly pulled me closer and raised his brows to Jimin.

"I'm he-"

"ahh....sorry Mr, we are getting late. We gotta go" Jay cutted Jimin's sentence before he could speak, and pulled me away.

"Jay, wasn't that too rude?" I said, while snudging him away.

"Ummm....ya?! I guess so. Lemme go sort it out" he gabbled and went back to Jimin, who was still there standing like a stone.

Jimin's POV

Oppa? She never ever called me that, who is that guy, and why is she calling her oppa?
Boyfriend Oppa or brother oppa or stranger oppa??

If he was a stranger she wouldn't hug him and he wouldn't act so clingy to her. Maybe he is her boy-, I mean brother. Ya surely he is her brother. Y/n is not a type of her girl to tangle with guy's with a romantic string.

"Hey!" Suddenly that Oppa guy came back to me, with a smug smile plastered on his lips.

I kept quiet and stared at him to go on with what's next.

"I'm Jay, her oppa" he said, emphasizing that oppa shit, and I know why.

I ignored all my 'fcking she's mine" sort of feelings, and flashed a smile to him.

"Hey Jay, it's me Jimin, her daddy" I smirked a satisfying sly smile looking at his destroyed expression.


"Ah.....sorry Jay. I'm getting late. I gotta go, bye" I cutted, in a fully sarcastic mood and left that dumbfounded Jay.

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