Chapter Three: The Friendship

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I don't even remember how we got out of The City, all I can remember is the man who now walks by my side, Frank, grabbing my hand and pulling me through snaking corridors that all looked the same whilst I gripped onto his hand and my inhaler for dear life; The red lights warped everything and disorientated me so much and then bursting out into the bright sunlight didn't help matters. I remember Frank hot-wiring a car and bundling me in and now here we are, escaping through tunnel one out into the barren zones. We had ditched the car and now were continuing our journey to God knows where on foot. The sun overhead baked us and the land alive. How could anything survive out here? Maybe it hadn't been BLI who wiped out the Killjoys, maybe it had just been this hellish place.

"We're here." Frank broke the silence and my train of thought. They were outside a shut up old supermarket. I stared at the building and then frank quizzically, opening my mouth to say something but Frank walked towards the automatic doors which squeaked open and so I closed my  mouth and dutily followed my only hope of survival. The shelves were basically bare. The odd can survived but essentially the supermarket had been stripped bare. generic supermarket music played mover some shitty speakers and Frank turned a corner and there, pushing a shelf stacking cart was someone in a thong and motorbike helmet "Show Pony." Frank said and the character whirled around. They were wearing roller-skates. This new person weirded me out. "No fucking way." Show Pony muttered and skated towards Frank and scooped them up into their arms "I thought you got ghosted! They said you were ghosted! I-I saw the guys ghosted!" They practically sobbed as they crushed Frank in a hug. Frank let out a soft wheezy chuckle "Nah they didn't get me and it looks like they didn't get you." Frank chuckled "They almost did, we went running. We've only recently returned." Show Pony sighed and looked up and over at me "Good to see you too Kobra!" And I blinked in confusion and frowned and Frank sighed and whispered something to Show Pony who listened whilst I stood there, uncomfortable under their gaze whilst Frank spoked to him "...Jesus fuck." Show Pony finally breathed out "I guess I should take you to D man then." They said and Frank nodded "Follow me boys." Show Pony said and skated to a set of double doors at the back of the supermarket and skated through, Frank indicated for me to follow and so I did.

The backroom of the supermarket was a mess of colour and stuff. Large rooms with a small kitchen but it almost looked like a home. Show Pony led us through the mess of stuff to where someone was sat with his back to us and with headphones on by a...DJing desk??? Show Pony tapped the mans back and he jumped slightly and slid off the headset he was wearing and whirred his wheelchair around "Holy shit..." He drawled as he stared between Frank and I. Frank smiled slightly and Show Pony bent down and whispered in the mans ear, his eyes widening as he listened "I see." He muttered and stared at me, leaving me feeling uncomfortable so I played with the sleeves of my white suit "Take him to the chair." The man said and Show Pony grabbed me and dragged me to a chair, I struggled against them but they were stronger than me "What are you doing?" Frank asked confused and the man in the wheelchair said something to Frank I couldn't hear as Show Pony bound me to the chair and placed a weird helmet contraption on my head "Are you sure this'll work?" I heard Frank asking and the man in the wheelchair sighed "It's the only option we have." Frank nodded and turned away "Frank wha-" I began but I never finished my sentence as I felt electricity stream through my body and I passed the fuck out.

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