Chapter Two: Expectations

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Life was good. I mean why wouldn't it be? Better Living Industries had changed the world for the better, not like I could remember life before them anyway but that's not that point! They had given me everything. I had food in my belly, a roof over my head. It was only fair I repaid them by doing my bit as a draculoid. Raymond Toro. Draculoid 4756. I was going to be the best damned drac the company had ever seen. I would beat records! Perhaps I could even serve under S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W one day.
It would be cool.
I stood at my post in the admin building watching all the nerds scurry back and forth. What? They are nerds, the brains of our whole enterprise. I asked for this role in particular for one reason only.
Michael James Way.
I know homosexual feelings are strictly forbidden but this man. This beautiful blonde man. He made me feel more alive then any woman, any pornodroid.
I wanted him and here he came, scurrying to wherever he needed to be as fast as he could go without actually running, he was looking around nervously as he walked into a tunnel few actually used. Odd. Guess he had a new assignment. Once he was gone I stood around once more, bored out of my mind.

Minutes passed when suddenly the building was bathed in red light and the alarms blared. The prisoner alarm. But this was an admin building! There were no prisoners in here? I heard the heavy boots of other draculoid a marching in so I joined up with them and followed. Why would they need to be here? I followed them down the corridor I had seen Mikey go down. My heart dropped, was Mikey okay? Was he in trouble? I wanted to speed up but I must march with the others. I have to conform and stay in line. I walked down to the basement with the others, an older part of the building and it certainly looked like it. I followed the others to a door. A prison cell? I peered inside. Inside there was a broken straightjacket and a shit ton of rat carcasses. What kind of monster had they left down here to rot? I watched the others for a sign of what to do. They walked out, splitting up into teams to try and find whatever had escaped. I made my way to the end of a gangway fo where there was a broken window, he must have escaped but what about Mikey? Was he safe and okay? My watch buzzed. Shit. The boss wanted to see us and not just any boss. The man himself. Korse.  I gulped.
This wasn't going to be fun.

The boss' office was bright and clean and neat and bare with a 360° view of The City. The beautiful City which I was sworn to protect and today we had failed. We all had. Today we had failed that mission. The Boss tapped his pen on his desk "Anyone?" He asked "Can anyone tell me what went wrong today?" He said, scanning everyone's faces "Uh." A different drac piped up "We didn't know there was a prisoner there so we couldn't do our jobs?" He said and the air went tight in the room as The Boss laid his eyes on the man who had spoken up and before I could even blink The Boss had his gun out and there was a laser burn in the centre of the dracs chest. He fell to the floor. He was dead. I couldn't breathe. I had to get out but I couldn't move. I daren't "Now." The Boss said "This really is a shitstorm isn't it?" He sighed and stood up, glaring at all us dracs "That thing in that cell was one Frank Iero, he is more well known as Fun Ghoul. The last surviving fabulous killjoy. I had plans for him but since you all have royally cocked up, it is best for you to hunt him down and exterminate him. For this you will need an exterminator." The door to the boss' office swung open and in walked the man himself. S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W, his pure black eyes scanned our faces with almost a bored look "You." He said pointing at me "You and you too." He said pointing at the draws around me "You will be my team. The rest of you are gonna stay here and prepare for us to return. Dismissed." He said and the others left, leaving me and the other two in this room with The Boss and S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W who smirked at us "Now, let's get kitted up and take this son of a bitch down." He said and turned and walked out, expecting us to follow him and we did. My first proper hunt and I was under S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S command, I couldn't help but smile. This was going to be so much fun.

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