Chapter20{Miya's Jealousy part7?}

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(After 15 minutes of explaining)

"Ah i see..." the mother sighed "Atsumu,Osamu why dont you hang out with you're friend, im sure you miss her" the mother exclaimed sighing then turning her gaze to the ginger "Is there something wrong?" The mother asked lovingly 'Geez talk about Favoritism from first sight...' both of suns thought seeing their mother who's always strict and sweet to them be Fully sweet for the ginger, though they couldnt blame her "I-its just that you're so pretty..." the ginger mumbled with her hands twirling (👉👈 like this) and the mother couldnt help but have the feelung of protecting her, "Ah!!! So sweet!!!" The mother fangirled while hugging the ginger making the ginger blush "alright then why dont you boys catch up with her" the mother turned to them with a 'you-better-get-married' face "H-hai" the twins stuttered before heading towards the two of course they didnt forget about Tori they were jealous well an avarage amount, for osamu, "Atsumu-san! Osamu-san! Its been a while!" The ginger giggled "Its been yearssss!!!" Atsumu complained getting a corection by his brother "Its only been months Atsumu" Osamu corrected him "But it felt like yearsssss!" Atsumu complained again getting a sigh from his brother and a giggle from the Ginger they all forgot Tori was there (Not for long) as then "Let go!!!" The ginger giggled before Hugging Tori's Left arm getting the envy and attention by the twins 'You aughta be Kidding me!' Atsumu thought with a tick mark on his right cheeck 'Great....' osamu thought sarcastically forming a tick ob his left cheeck before catching up with those two "So you said you guys would date for 2 weeks before getting a read awnser right?" Osamu asked trying to sound calm "yep! This is the 10th day for 4 more to go!" The ginger exclaimed making the twins sigh "So how is it?" Atsumu thought sounding a little mad "Its been pretty good!" The ginger replied making the two brothers even more jealous if possible, now Osamu is kinda introvertic back and Atsumu is an extrovert, diffrent right? One of the things that they have in common is that they get jealous, They get jealous VERY Easily even a blush tossed to their crush would make them atleast an avarage amount of 'Angry' they were behind Hinata and Tori and Hinata continued to hug Tori's left arm like its normal, they stood behind them in envy,jealousy and anger 3 tick marks each can be seen on their forhead and cheecks Tori felt alot of Death glares as he shivers Mentaly

A few minutes later of walking around the festival hinata noticed stares comming her way (Finally! They have been staring at you for the past- for the intire time you got here!) Hinata then turned around to see people staring at them(*Cough* *Cough* hinata *Cough*)
So hinata smiled at them awkwardly waving, that made them burst and have heart aches "E-eh? Did i do something wrong?" The ginger asked obviously still oblivious making the twins gaze soften to the ginger "Its nothing hinata, it wasnt you're fault" Osamu exclaimed knowing why "Oh okay!" The ginger smiled before keeping her eyes on a petting zoo and letting go of Tori's arm 'Finally....' the twins thought "Can we go pet some animals? Pleaseee!" The ginger asked with stars in her eyes "oh sure" Tori continued as the twins follow
As they reach to the gate there was a high schooler stopping them "Ah if you wanna go in you'll have to pay 250¥ each" the boy exclaimed then looking at the ginger Curently flustered(The boy) "U-uhm..." the boy looked at the ginger before receiving a menacing glare from both twins and a slight frown from Tori
"Y-YOU CAN COME IN FOR FREE!" The boy looked absolutely terrified (Oh another poor boy) (Here lemme heal you a bit) "Oh really? Thank you! You're really nice!" The ginger continued with a smile healing the boys Scar as then they come in to pet some animals (Well...mostly hinata) the animals seemed to love her there were animals fighting to get to her (Wow the haren even works on animals-) then there was a small goat looking like she wants to be pet by the ginger, the ginger of course pet her happily before petting all the other pets "wow her charm even works on animals, does she even charm plants?" Atsumu saying the second part sarcastically before several apples falling from trees straight to the gingers lap when she was petting pets while sittingg "Well that awnsers you're question" Osamu Replied and looking at his twin, atsumu's eyes were wide open " sure she doesnt charm wild animals?" Atsumu continued before wild humming Birds giving the ginger a few flowers and a sparrow landing beside her giving her some mangos making the 3 boys shocked (Soz i just wanted to make this funny before going to the angst part) "Oh! Thank you!" The ginger carried her stuff before bidding farewells to the animals little did she know the animals were behind her "Uhm hinata..." Tori struggled to discribe it so he pointed behind her as the gingwr looked behind her she saw all the animals behind her everyone was taking pictures and posting it on sosial media with captions like "Is this girl mothet nature?" Or "Wow i never seen this before" it was quite fasinating "Ah sorry! You cant follow me...i'll visit you next year instead!" The ginger exclaimed before the animals giving her a warm goodbye hug before going back in the pen "looks like they liked me" the ginger giggled before clinging onto Tori's arm again "Its getting pretty late! Lets go!" The ginger exclaimed looking at the pissed pair of twins, to be exact they wanted hinata to cling on them too, they were kinda...- really jealous and stood their in envy of the albino To be honest they would acctually give their whole lives to her and put their lives on the line for the ginger even if its just a scratch she was the only one not being there because of their looks or money, she was there, because she wanted to be, they were already whipped for the girl the second they laid eyes on her but kept denying it until they heard the gingers voice, they absolutely loved her, and when i say that i mean it, they were already in love, and theirs no going back until she accepts or rejects you, faith is cruel, they made them meet her when she was with somebody else they knew it wasnt going to happen yet they were jealous, and unhappy, of course they bottled it up, why? There wasnt enough proof that it was permanent, if it was, they wouls have already stolen hinata, and im not kidding, their hearts shattered when they heard the she was dating the albino but they knew her first, and they are absolutely not going to back down, Miya's are Miya's and they always get what they want (Possesiveness overload)

For GreenBunBun
Hello! Again!♡♡♡ you have been pretty popular for suggesting! And you've built a pretty popular name for yourself! I appreciate it alot and also sorry if you didnt expect THIS kind of jealousy, i luv you!♡♡♡♡
♡Author's little chat with you♡
Ahhh! Finally finished! Also i did it on time because of church- but sorry if you didnt expext this kind of jealousy- because when i think of a miya i think of possesiveness- So there ya go! Btw i made this on the spot since i kind got distracted when i was suppose to be making a plot for the miya's- so here ya go! And also dont forget to love and take care of yourselves i luv you all so mucchhhhu!!!♡♡♡♡♡♡

Daily thanks!

♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡Daily thanks!

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All x Fem!Hinata {Karasuno's Lovely Sunshine}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin