Ch. 17 - The Spark

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Just as the coven was facing internal struggles, the village of Zil was not as perfect as it seemed either.

While Rodney ran away from his problems and took haven in the quaint tea shop around the corner; his father was livid.

"Why can't the boy just grow up and learn not to run away from his problems." An older gentleman fumed in a fully furnished sitting room while stoking a growing fire.

"Sweetie -" A woman spoke softly from a large maroon plush chair.

"No. He's got to learn. This'll be the last -" He shook his head as his wife interrupted.

"Mark, we just need to give him time -"

"Time to what? Throw away everything I worked to preserve? To ruin what my great grandfather built? And everything he's been raised to maintain?" Rodney's father paced the room as he shook his head in disapproval.

"Maybe it's time we let him find his own path -" His mother began.

"His own path? We've discussed this. His 'path' is here. It will always be here. Where will he go? Traveling? Bah." He waved his hand dismissively hovering over the mantle with a roaring fire.

"Mark -" Jared's mother gently stood and walked across the room to her husband.

"He just needs some room to grow, that's all." She said, rubbing her partner's shoulder in encouragement.

"Gloria, I've tried. I just don't know where I keep going wrong with him. What if one day he runs farther than I can find. Or if he doesn't come home at all? Gloria I can't lose another -"

"I know Mark. It'll be alright you'll see." She said, letting her head fall to his shoulder as she closed her eyes in contemplation.

The couple fell silent as they let the fire gradually die down.


In another tiny cottage a few of the villagers began to commune.

"Well it has, hasn't it?" One man began to grow frustrated as he stood preaching to a small group of people; his voice growing in volume.

"Hasn't what Daryl?" A woman sat cross legged in a chair, her eyebrow peaked in disbelief.

"Been different Karen!" He said exasperated.

"What in heaven's name are you talking about? You gathered all of us here just to say the weather's a bit odd? Daryl, the weather is always a bit odd ?!?" Karen spoke again as the others were too lost to attempt to combat Daryl's logic, or rather lack thereof.

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