Ch. 37 - The Lake

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The full moon shone overhead, the beams bright against the night sky.

"Are you sure this is the right house?" One of the figures hovering in the shadows of the Faloris house asked.

"I'm sure her presence is unmistakable." The leader affirmed.

"You are aware of the plan?" He countered.

"Yes, sir." The first responded.

A cold wind blew a cloud overhead blocking the peaceful light.

"Good, if all goes properly it should look accidental." The leader whispered gazing off into the distance before dropping down with the others following suit, using the darkness to ease their attack.


"It may be the best thing for us, with the danger Al faces ..." Earl began, but was cut off by the sound of glass breaking upstairs.

Immediately both Earl and Jared's attention was drawn to the noise.

Jared jumped up yelling for Al while Earl followed as quickly as he could behind.

"Jared!" Al cried from her room as the intruders struggled to subdue her.

She reached out her magic potent with darkness as it worked to protect her.

The swirling tendrils reached out, throwing her assailants against the walls and out of reach.

But using that kind of magic took energy, energy Al did not have in her weakened state. She could only block so many blows as they punched her in the stomach and momentarily distracted by the pain were able to surround her.

They slipped a cloth bag over her head to block out the light and disorient the girl as one swung her over their shoulder.

"Al!" Jared shouted, rising up the stairs.

As Jared and Earl rounded the corner they could see they were outnumbered by the shadowed figures.

They too were swept up in the commotion, their heads covered in burlap sacks and tossed out the shattered window.

When the fabric covering their faces had been removed they were no longer in the village but somewhere in the forest.

The darkness encroached upon them from all sides except straight ahead.

There was a lake reflecting the moon's figure, yet as the cold breeze blew Jared shivered thinking of the watery graves that could lay before them.

He turned and heard the same thoughts dancing in Alysa's mind, her eyes shone with worry.

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