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The second i opened the door to sah's room the second she got up

" Validem " she rushed running towards me as i offered her a seat which she took in a hurry

" Halime sultan payed for her sins " she finally smiled happily but it soon faded away

" What about sinan ? They both should pay for it " i nodded .

" I have an amazing plan for him ,just wait . I'll destroy him " before she can answer be the door bursted revealing cennet and i threw her a look for not taking permission

" Forgive me sultanum but i want to infrom you about " she sighed trying to get her words

" Speak " i got up nervously trying to understand her

" His majesty locked the princes in the kafe " my heart stopped for a moment before i looked into sah's eyes terrified

" no ..it can't be . Cennet are you sure " sah asked cennet who nodded afterwards .

I sighed deeply before opening the door harshly walking straight to murad's room ,i opened his door harshly not caring about anyone

He was there with muazzez and safiye and he immediately looked towards my angered face

" Leave me with my son " i walked angrily towards murad as i dismissed muazzez

" How can you enter like this " murad looked at me after making sure muazzez left

" Do you want me to die from a heart attack , do you want me dead with your decisions " i yelled at him trying to get him to defend himself which he obviously did

" Mother you should know that i am doing this for the sake of this dynasty , a day will come and they'll ruin my saltanate " i put a hand on my forehead as i looked around not believing him

" Murad since when did you become like this ? " i looked at him deeply before his gaze moved elsewhere

" This is my decision and nothing will make me change my mind " he pointed his finger to my face as i stared at him in disbelief

" From this day on , i disown you murad . I've never raised you like this , Ahmed would be so dissapointed " i said backing away before leaving his room

I walked between the hallways barely holding my balance . I walked towards the kafe and i could hear their screams from a far , my heart clenched as i approached the door

" Osman , Mehmed " i knocked on the door as they started calling my name

" Mother please get us from here " mehmed begged as i could only stare at the ground

" Mehmed do you trust me " i asked before he replied me with a yes

" I never broke a promise ,i will get you out from here " i said not bearing to hear them begging any more .

I walked straight to my room and called in sah who looked at me trying to understand the reason behind my anger

" Murad " i breathed taking a seat " Locked your brothers " she gasped before approaching me

" What are you saying mother ,how can he do this " she asked terrified as she started walking around

" I won't permit this , he already took away my brother " she stared with so much hatred but that wasn't what i wanted

" Sah ,calm down . I will never allow him to touch them anymore " she raised her eyebrow before taking a seat next to me

" Mother he's the sultan and you can't do anything about it " my gaze met hers before i spoke again

" I will dethrone him "  she gasped again

" Mother there is no way you can do this , we can't " i stopped her from continuing

" If it is about protecting my children evreything is possible . Murad's decisions will crush us all , not only your brothers even you " she blinked few times trying to understand

" I won't even be surprised if he ordered for my execution "i whispered to myself but she heard me

" Never , mother . I am with you in this i will do anything for the safety of osman and mehmed and also yours " for the first time the innocent gaze in her eyes changed

" Sah ,my pretty " i caressed her cheek lightly " I don't want you to hate murad . In the end he's a part of me , my son and your brother ,you share the same blood " she nodded at every word

" We will get rid of sinan first then work on dethroning murad if he doesn't comeback to his normal state of mind "

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