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I blinked few times while my gaze didn't move from the door infront of me , i stayed awake the whole night not letting anyone in and just swimming in my tears but i had to get ready for his funeral .

I quickly went towards my closet and pulled out my black dress which only reminded me of ahmed's death . After i called in some maids and put it on , i left my room feeling dizzy and tired .

The second i stepped into the harem ,it got calm and only hanzade's cried were hearable . I approached her slowly

" Mother is this a nightmare " she cried into my shoulder as me myself was barely holding back my tears

We all alligned and watched selim's coffin passing by , i immediately bursted into tears when i saw his coffin and walked towards it but they quickly moved it away from me .

I watched it fade away between the hallways as i cried out loud feeling horrible , suddenly i heard footsteps around me to be embraced and i quickly recognized mehmed

" Mother , please don't cry " he hugged me as i cried between his arms and my daughters joined too .

" Let's go " mehmed dragged me to my room and they all helped me calm down

" Hajar water " sah ordered before hajar rushed towards me with the cup , and i started drinking it slowly before putting it down .

The door opened and we all looked towards it , which it revealed murad seconds after  .

They all bowed except for me , he started walking towards me but before he was able to take my hand i pulled it away

" Don't " i got up fastly " Murad do you know what you have done ? " i asked him but he just looked down

" No matter what he have done to you , you didn't have the right to kill him " i yelled at him before calming down

" When selim was a child , i always told him to protect you murad .he promised me he won't kill you but look now " dilasub took my side and tried to calm me down

" Murad do you want to kill me ? When your father passed away my soul has left my body and i have been sinking in a depression hole but now that selim passed away i no longer exist " they all looked at me fearing if i had something in my head

"I warned him so many times and he didn't listen i had no choice " he finally responded earning a chuckle from me

" Never compare what he did to your mistake ,yours is unforgivable . You destroyed me " i said getting closer to him

" From now , never excpect for me to support you . " i said looking into his eyes before he angrily left my room

" Mother this isn't only murad's idea " mehmed interfered and i looked at him in disbelief

" I think someone told him to do so " hanzade responded to my expression

" There's no toxic man besides him except for sinan " i looked at him waiting for an explanation

" He was last seen with him before my late brother's execution " we all looked shocked at osman who spoke

" I swear my name won't be atiye sultan if i don't take his soul with my own hands " i got up suddenly but i immediately felt dizzy

" Mother just calm down we will think about this together " osman suddenly hugged me and i could easily read in his eyes that he was afraid and i couldn't help but remember what happened to him during the attack when he was still young

" I promise nothing will happen to you just trust my words " i said bringing mehmed and osman's hand to mine and they softly smiled

" Mother i can't leave you alone in this state " hanzade worriedly spoke

" Don't worry i will not leave our mother alone " sah reassured her sisters before they all kissed my hand

" we will take revenge for your brother "  i said one last time before they all left , i immediately went to meet up with yavuz pasha in the garden

" Pasha " i said earning a bow from him

" May god give you patience " i sadly nodded before i cameback to my original expression as my heart was full of grudges

" What is sinan pasha's relation with my son " i asked as he started looking around before answering

" He is close to his majesty and he always listens to what he says " i nodded at every word he said

" Do you doubt he is behind what happened to selim " i asked straightforward

" Maybe because his audacity can make him say it to his majesty " i cleared my throat

" Yavuz pasha , you will discover the truth and i want it as soon as possible " he raised his eyebrow not undertanding

" Do you have anything in mind valide sultan " he asked letting out a smirk at the end

" Yes , any one who was behind this will pay for their lives " i answered .

𝐌𝐲 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐚𝐧 - [2] ( Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now