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"Gracie dear wake up!!" Called my grandma from downstairs. And I groaned in my pillow.

So here is another boring day in my life. Wake up, go to school, got to shop to help Grandma, come home and sleep. Seriously  people I have no life like Z.E.R.O. Life.

Boring me my name is Isabella Grace. I live with my Grandma who is best grandma in the world. Where are my parents? They died in a car crash, I was with grandma that day. I curse myself for not being with them. I would have died too on that day. And the pain I felt every day would have been there. Since that day I changed. I did not talk to anyone. I was and am still a straight a student but since I didn't talk to anyone made me lonely weirdo of the school. My class Divas bullied making me do their homework. I couldn't tell my grandma about what was happening at school, she is already old and instead of resting at this age she has me as burden. But she still amazes me she never ever complained or got angry at me. She loved me like her only child, may be she was trying to find my mom in me.

"Gracie wake up now. You will be late for school" called my grandma again.

I looked at the clock and it was 8am.
"Holy Fudge,... I'm late" I know when you are raised by your grandma 'not using any bad words in the house get imprinted on your brain'.. so I started making I started making different word instead of curse words to say which my grandma isn't pleased about but it'll do.
I ran to the bathroom.. brush my teeth, took a quick shower and got dressed..
I was wearing my blue jeans and white tank top with brown sweater and white shoes to go with.

I ran downstairs and picked up the apple and ran to the front door..

"But your breakfast?" Called grandma from with worried expression.

"Can't Ma.. sorry.. I'm late.. see you at night"  I replied

She shook her ear and I was out of the door..
I usually walked to school but today I was late so I took my bike... After mom and dad gone.. me and grandma just had a small shop and house left for us to make our living on. I had some savings on my name parents left but my grandma wanted to save it for my education and future and not waste it on buying things to please peoples eyes.

I was about to reach parking lot of school when I lost control since I was going so fast trying to get to my first class.. I bumped my bike into a brand new stylish car which looked way to expensive.. Our school was full of rich kids which made a school full of mean kids too.. being a lonely weirdo didn't help much.. how I got in here? My grades got me here.. Our school had good reputation with universities and once you got in your career was settled.. While lost in thought the door of the car opened I prayed the person to be nice which was very unlikely....

But the person who came out made my my jaw drop.. The most popular guy in the history of our school looking at me... 'be nice, be nice' I prayed in my mind when he laughed and left..
I was still sitting on the floor with my bike on me.. my eyes following him..
At first I thought he was nice for not shouting at me or making a big scene since well whole school was looking at me. But then I realised he laughed and left.. didn't even ask me if I was okay? Maybe he was mean just wasn't in mood to bully the weirdo.. I looked back at him thinking, while picking myself and my bike up and cleaning the dust out of my clothes. And he caught my eyes stared and then shook his head and laughed. The friends he was with looked at me and then all laughed. I felt so embarrassed. I looked at my watch and saw I was already late. I ran as fast as I could taking my books from locker on my way.

When I reached the class and opened the door and everyone looked and whole class busted laughing.. I didn't understand.. "You are late, Ms. Daniels" the teacher asked..
"I was in an accident.. I am sorry this won't happen again" I replied
"So, I see you have been.. go take your seat" he replied which was unusual cause teachers here never let anyone come late
I slide in my seat beside my only friend in whole school Jared.. He looked at me and I saw him covering his face with a book cause he could not contain his laughter and don't know why the whole class was till staring at me every now and then.. I looked at him confused and he pulled his phone and put it in selfie mode what I was made feel so embarrassed and humiliated.. I had dust patches all over my face making me look like a monkey.. so hurried and wiped my face as my best fried threw a tissue at me.. I don't why i even call him my best friend.. he didn't even tell me that looked like a monkey and whole class laughed at me... Well he did tell me sat next to him but I was so angry...

The anger was not towards my friend but certain someone saw me like this first and didn't even bother telling me what's wrong.. I first thought he laughed because I fell but now I know he wanted me to be more embarrassed as a punishment for bumping into his car. But his car didn't even have a scratch but my bike was not even condition to ride. I so hate him.. ugh rich kids are such hole in the ocean..

While I was lost in the thought of  adding new name to my meanie list my friend nudged me and he mouthed "sorry" I wispered it's ok and we went back to paying attention in the class.

Jared was a great guy, he was smart and good looking too. He was in our football team as well. He had a girlfriend who was my second friend in school. She was a cheerleader, she was nice but she didn't hangout with me much. Since our classes didn't match and she since she was in cheerleading team she has whole new level of glamorous friends. Every now and the Jared and her asked me join for movies or outings but I felt weird and like a third wheel so I started making excuses and they stopped asking anymore.

The bell rang class ended I went to the bathroom cleaned my face and palms once again. My palms were bruised so the cold water started sticking. Then I ran to my locker leaning against it with questioning look was Jared. I knew what he is here for. He was like protective big brother to me.. he new about bullying and always tried helping me. Nobody came around while he was with me.. but I felt bad for keeping him occupied while he could be hanging out with his girlfriend. So used send him away and the moment he was out of sight the bullies would gather.. why? God, why? Why this life?

A/N : please keep reading. I'm a new reader so any comment will be appreciated. The story will grow. Please read, vote and comment . Thank you!!!

Gracie's outfit above.

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