I'm back - 38 | the looong day

Start from the beginning

I stumbled a bit and felt Zach scoop me up in his arms, "Woah there, Princess." This situation was giving me a slight deja vu. I heard the elevator ding and move movement.

But I don't remember getting in the elevator?..

When I heard the key card ding, and our door open, I was suddenly wide awake. I stared up at Zach, "You can go to sleep, I've got you." He said softly as he shut the door behind us.

"I don't know if I can sleep now," I whispered. Knowing that I was awake now, Zach set me on my feet. But I kept looking at him, deep into his eyes. He was giving me the same look he did earlier, it was a mixture of what I thought to be love, shock, and lust.


"Zach?" I repeated, with no question in mind. I pressed my lips to his softly in a short kiss, "I love you." I kissed him again, and then again, and again.

I felt his grip around my waist tighten, he grunted against my lips. "I love you too, Lise." He said when he broke apart for air. But it didn't last long, he was on me faster than a cheetah to its prey, crashing his lips back onto mine as if I would disappear if he didn't.

The kiss went from passionate to rough in a second, things were heating up quickly. I felt my back hit a wall and one of Zach's hands encased me to it. The party was over and his hair didn't need to look so perfect anymore, so I reached up and started to tangle my fingers in it.

I pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. I had gone from tired to wide awake with the sound of a door opening. I kicked off my heels, sinking down a bit. I felt Zach chuckle against my lips as if forgetting that I'm smaller than him.

He licked my bottom lip asking for entry, I denied it, breaking apart the kiss. He stared down at me with lustful eyes. I melted under his gaze, "Two can play at the game, Princess." He teased, swiftly bending down to kiss me again.

I didn't know what he meant, that is until I felt his hands on my ass. I squealed in surprise and he used this moment to plunge his tongue into my mouth. With his hands still there, he lifted me up allowing me to wrap my legs around his torso tightly.

Our tongues danced together, battling for dominance. Which I ultimately let Zach win. I felt us start to move as he walked with me in his arms toward our bedroom. Everything was moving so fast, but I couldn't bring myself to care.

I felt my back hit something soft and I realized I was lying on the bed. The lights were off but my eyes adjusted to the darkness and the blinking lights of the city quickly. Zach kissed me again, short and sweet. "We should probably stop, Annalise." He gave me another peck.

I moaned quietly, "But what if I don't want to?" I questioned stubbornly. I wracked my brain about this hundreds of times. I had always been nervous about the subject, but being here with him made me feel safe, loved. I knew that he wanted to, so that makes me the deciding factor.

"Annalise," he whispered my name. "Are you sure?" His breath fanned my ear, sending a shiver down my back.

Without a second of hesitation, I nodded. I didn't say anything as I started tugging on Zach's shirt, he let me take it off. "I love you, and I want to." He nodded, throwing the shirt off to the side, and within a second his lips were back on mine and I could feel his skin on mine.

I was cold, that damn AC was up too high again. I felt something shift beside me and I snuggled closer to Zach for warmth, in response he grunted and tightened his grip around my waist.

I sighed contently until I felt like I was being watched. I opened my eyes slightly and peered around the room until I saw Daphne peeking her head in the door. When she saw me staring her eyes widened like a kid caught with his hand in the candy jar before quickly disappearing.

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