Green blood - Part 2

Start from the beginning

The wind settled and she straightened her body. The child she had covered, looked exhausted. They had been up all night. It had been a miracle, that Finnigan's wolves hadn't found them. But the back up, Seth had sent had gotten into a fight with twenty or so hostile wolves. Fay had to move the children to another location. Had Finnigan's wolves figured out were Seth's wolves were going, it would have been a disaster. 

"Try to sleep," Fay said to the child. She watched as the little one closed her eyes, but her body remained rigid.

"Seth?" she spoke into her mates mind. "Are there here soon?"

"Yes, Fay. They'll be there in few minutes. Just hang on. They're coming from the North West."

"Good." Fay too was feeling exhausted. Should she say something now to him? Would it distract him? 

A branch broke. Fay jumped up in full alert. 

"Be ready," she told the seniors. She placed her index finger against her lips telling everyone to be quiet. She listened to the forest. The sound had come from the South East. From the opposite direction where the back up was approaching.

She motioned the fighters to form a protecting circle around the seniors and the children. She herself started to take steps towards the sound. First, she couldn't see or hear anything, but then she saw a form in the distance. A wolf. Bleeding heavily and barely able to move. After a few more steps, it collapsed on the ground. Its scent reached Fay. Darren.

Fay started to run towards him ignoring one of the fighters telling her to stop. Fay sniffed the air. It was safe. It was just Darren. She kept running and finally reached his wolf body. Fay kneeled down next to him. He was bloody. So bloody that his light brown fur had turned dark. Fay touched his side. Darren let out a whimper. 

"You're going to be fine," Fay said. She tried to find the source of all that blood but there were too any punctures on his skin for her to stop the bleeding. "Can you shift?" she asked. It would be easier without the fur.

Darren let out another whimper. 

"Ok. Ok.. um... No, don't move! I need to stop the bleeding." 

Fay took off her sweater and tore it into strips. It must have been brutal since after hours of his wolf's healing abilities his body still looked like this. He had an open wound on his side. Fay placed the fabric on it and pressed it with both of her hands. Darren snapped at her, but she quickly pulled her hand away. Sometimes wolves did that when in pain. 

Fay pressed the wound again. 

Once again Darren snapped. But this time Fay saw it wasn't a reflex. The gleam in his eyes told her it had been intentional. 

Fay crawled away from him and watched in horror as the wounded wolf stood up. The bleeding intensified, but Darren didn't seem to mind. He glared at her and slowly his ears started to move back. His pupils dilated and hackles rose. As his body lowered slightly, Fay realized, he was about to attack her. 

"Darren," she said. But the wolf's stance didn't change one bit. Instead, it leaped at her.

"Daddy!!!!" she heard a child's scream as the big beast flew towards her. It landed on her. She was anticipating the pain of teeth sinking into her flesh, but the pain never came. The wolf twitched and rolled off her. It was trembling and whimpering. 

Fay was so startled that it took her time to recover and notice a boy running towards them with one of the fighters behind him. But as the boy nearly crashed into the wounded wolf, Fay she pulled the boy back. The child was kicking and hitting her to get free.

"Daddy!" he kept screaming.

The wolf twitched again and let out a growl.

"Stay back," the fighter said and placed himself between Darren and Fay holding the boy.

Darren's body shifted into its human form. The fighter covered him with his jacket. He turned to look at Fay.

"He should not see this," he whispered and nodded towards the boy who was still fighting with all his strength to get free and run to his daddy.

Fay held him against her and covered his eyes.

"Darren, what the hell happened?" the fighter asked. 

Darren couldn't answer, because he was coughing blood. 

The fighter towered over him.

"You attacked my Alpha's mate," he spoke with a low voice. Fay realized where this would lead if she didn't intervene.

"Stop it," she said. The fighter squeezed his hands into fists but eventually stepped away.

"Take the boy back," Fay ordered. She watched as the fighter turned slowly and faced her. Do not defy me, she thought. 

The fighter nodded. He lifted the crying boy into his arms and walked back.

Fay sighed in relief and kneeled back down next to Darren's human body. Darren's eyes locked into hers and he tried to speak, but couldn't form coherent words. But Fay understood what he was trying to say as his hand reached towards the direction the fighter and the boy had gone.

"Don't worry. Your boy is fine."

"Le- leave," he growled through coughing.

Fay shook her head.

"Shh. I'm not going anywhere."

Fay put pressure on the wound on his side. He groaned and put his hand on hers.

"You... need to...leave. He is... coming," Darren was able to say.

"Who is coming? Hey! Don't fall asleep!" Fay gently patted his cheek. Darren opened his eyes but barely.

"Who is coming?" she asked again.

"The... bird."


Mayaki = fighter (in Hausa language)

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