Please Read 🥺

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I would like to take a page to write a little bit about this one thing that has been going on recently..
So, I know I haven't updated in a while, and that is not because I don't have ideas, but because I can't bring myself to put them into writing. If you didn't know, I have an anxiety disorder, and recently it's been acting up really bad. Anxiety works in a very odd way, to the point where you can feel like things will happen which are so out-of-this-world that they never could. For me, my anxiety is making me worry that I will soon lose interest in my main source of happiness, VAV. Whenever I see the name of the group, any of its members, or a poster or video, I get anxious. It's really stupid because that probably WON'T happen anytime soon, lol. But it's really been getting to me. Anyways, onto my main point of this rant, I want to give a shoutout to somebody who has been helping me a lot through this anxiety rut that I am going through. That person is fallingmihyun . Reading their works have been easing me back into reality, and I feel safe (instead of anxious) when seeing their stuff about VAV. I honestly feel so much better after reading their works, or talking to them, because they put things into words so well. They are an amazing writer, and if anybody else is reading this, or has made it this far, you should definitely check them out. Thank you so much fallingmihyun for everything you have done, and keep up the good work. 🥰

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