Trouble Makers Revenge (TMR)

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Fred and George walked the halls with a skip in their step. They had been up all night with Blaise talking about their plan to set up the Hall. They didn't want Hermione to get into too much trouble and she was practically an invaluable asset. They needed it to look as if someone had caught them and spied. There was an abandon class not too far from the Hall which Blaise spelled. The spell was to record what was happening as if it was someone else hiding in the shadows. That way Hermione would be in the clear. Ron may still trust her.

That morning the twins told Draco what was expected of him and Blaise told Pansy what Hermione and her needed to do. Draco had to tell Harry everything that was going to happen in an attempt to restore their friendship. Pansy was to steal the memory vial after Ron had shown Hermione. And Hermione had to act innocent as if she had no idea what was going on.

Blaise and the twins set everything up in their second class. They were having potions with Snape. Snape, being the brooding man he was, had called the twins to the front. He spoke to them making it seem like he wanted them to do something illegal. Seeing as Blaise was on his 'bad side' He had devised his own plan to excuse them. It was a class with another house after all, Hufflepuff.

"Fred, George. A word." Snape summoned them to the front.

After a good few minutes they walked away with smirks. They stopped in front of Blaise and the Hufflepuff's looked scared.

"Your head of house."
"Has asked us."
"To teach you."
"A lesson." The twins said in turn.

Fred grabbed Blaise and marched out of the class. Everyone started to talk about the horrible things that would happen to Blaise. That was until Snape silenced them and carried on with the lesson.


"Miss Granger." Professor McGonagall called.

Ravenclaw was having Transfiguration with Slytherins before lunch.

"Yes Professor?" Hermione answered.

"It would seem you missed Detention with Professor Snape yesterday." The whole class looked at her with a sad expression. "He would like to see you now."

"Yes ma'am." Hermione said leaving the class.


"Professor." Hermione said gaining the attention of Professor Sprout.

"Yes dear?"

"May I have a word with Ronald Weasley?" She asked.

"Of course dear. Mr Weasley." The Professor called and Ron walked forward.

"Thank you professor." Hermione said dragging Ron away.

After getting back to the castle Hermione let go of Ron and walked to the abandoned class pretending to look suspicious and unlocking the door. Ron had followed her and entered after her. Looking around Hermione put up a dummy silencing spell.

"What is going on Hermione?" Ron asked.

"You said you were going to show me something. I missed class for this because I don't want to miss lunch. I'm far too hungry." Hermione said.

"Oh yes." Ron said taking the vial from around his neck.

Hermione, with the help of Snape, had already set up a pensive in the room. Ron poured the memory in and Hermione held her breath as she dunked her head. She watched the memory and came up shocked. She pretended to think about something then spoke.

"Ronald How Could You!?" She said. "You'd be lucky if Harry saw things my way. You should show him this. That's the only way I think."

"No I can't. Dumbledore said he would not understand." Ron retorted.

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