The Sand

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*Hiccup P.O.V

I felt bad for Jack. He couldn't be seen by anyone in town and that made me think that even if they couldnt see him, I still could. I mean, what did I expect? He is a winter spirit after all. But that didn't stop me from thinking about him and saying hi to everyone in the town. My mind seemed to be filled with just Jack as he felt the need to nip at peples noses and give them small chills. Everywhere I looked he was there. I began to ask myself, when did I start falling for him? But that answer came quickly.

"Hiccup!" Shouted a girls voice from behind me. I looked back to see my Mother standing there with open arms. I felt my smile grow wide and I hobbled to her, making contact with body. I loved my mother even if I have only known her for a short time. Her tears of joy came out like a river. I felt mine start to waater before she pulled back to see my face.

"I was so worr'd," She said. "I am so relieve'd you are 'kay." She said.

"It is good to see you too, but its not like I was in any danger." I said.

she smiled, cupping her hand on my cheek. " I'm so glad to~hear that." She said. "We can have a feast to celebrate. Maybe get your room ready again for you-"

"Im not staying here," I cut in. "I just came back to say hi and maybe have an old fashion dragon race."

My mom shared a look of disbelief. "You're not staying? At home?" She asked, breaking our contact.

I nodded. "No, I jusr wanted to check in and tell ya." I said before turning around away from her and making my way over to where Jack had been sitting the whole time I talked to my mother. Jack looked up from his toes and smiled.

"Nice heartwarming talk with your mother," he said. "She looked depress after you left."

I shrugged. "She probably was." I said. "I told her I wasn't staying."

"What?!" He shouted. "Why the hell did you tell her that!" He asked right after slapping me on the arm.

"Ow! Because I don't really want to stay in Berk," I said truthfully. "I would rather travel the world..." I looked up into his eyes. "Maybe with you, even." I said really lowly.

His eyes softened and he smacked the side of my head. "Knuckle head," he said.

I felt my heart settle but immediately clench in my chest. I felt my eyebrows twitch but I tried not to make it obvious. It was the nightmare sand, I know it but this time it felt different.

I sat up straight no matter how much it hurt. He sat there studying me for a moment before smiling. "Adventures sound like fun." He said. "And knowing Toothless, we could do a lot."

I chuckled. "Yeah I guess," I saw him smile before sitting down on the boulder. I nodded at him and looked over the town. "I'm gonna go talk to some if my old friends like Ruffnut and Tuffnut maybe." I said.
"What kind of names are those?" He asked.
I shrugged. "Why the name Hiccup?" I asked.
I opened his mouth but immediately shut it pointing at me with the look of touché. I rolled my eyes and walked away from Jack. I felt the slither inside my body grow tense. Why does it have to happen at the weirdest times?

I got up onto my feet and rolled up my sleeves. I glanced back at Jack and smiled before walking away from him. Thats when the feeling jolted in me, making me stop to hold my chest.

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