Pitch and North

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3rd person*

Valka's chest felt like someone had ran a chainsaw down on the inside, making her drop to her knees. She didn't know why her heart was hurting, but she had a bad feeling about it. She glanced up, seeing Berkians , Nightmares and Dragons fighting each other.

"Valka! Get up!" Shouted North, appearing at her side with his sabers in hand.

"My heart," she said lowly, looking up at North. "Could it be Jack? Or Hiccup?" He asked.

North looked back at the place where Tooth had left Jack, seeing the area become somber. North knew something went wrong, when Nightmare sand flooded out of the crack, revealing Pitch standing there. He looked royally pissed off and yet, scary as hell.

"Oh no," North said. Valka weakly stood, ignoring the tearing her heart was going through, and stood up to see Pitch walking towards them.

"I'm pretty sure, Jack Frost is dead, so shall we continue our old spark as enemies? Guardians? Back when we didnt have that frosted nothing with us?" Pitch asked.

"Jack Frost isn't dead, and he is still a guardian." Tooth shouted, appearing at their side.

"Did you make it official?" Asked Pitch.

North thought back and never actually did read the book of guardians to Jack. North glared but didn't say anything.

"That's what I thought," he smiled. "Now shall I defeat you?" He asks.

North lifted his saber. "I will destroy you."

Pitch smiled. "I'd like to see you try," Pitch taunted.

North jumped up, charging down at Pitch. Pitch brought his hands up, bringing the nightmare sand in front of him and blocked Norths attack. When North fell onto his feet, Pitch made a sythe out of his nightmare sand. He pointed it at North and smiled.

"You think you can just jump up and land an ending blow?" He asked. "I wonder if you can even end me."

North glared. "Trust me, I'm not gonna end you, but I will vake you suffer." North said, raising one saber at Pitch. "All of this, will end."

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