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lmao it's V3 puns now

if you've read my 'Dem NDRV3 Puns' book (which i haven't touched in 2 years---) you'll most likely recognise all of these since i stole all of the puns from that book xD

also ty to all giving me OT3's <3 the chapter would be like your favourite puns, we've got 7, i need 5 more of your fave OT3's y'all xD

lets go-



Aries - Kirumi's looking for you... I think you maid her mad

Taurus - Kaede really was an awesome character! Too bad she left us all hanging

Gemini - I love Kokichi but I think in the end he fell sort of flat

Cancer - I feel bad for Gonta, he took all the killings to the heart

Leo - In the end, Miu wasn't so full of air

Virgo - Ryoma's drowning in sorrow, it's eating away at him

Libra - Why do fangirls call Rantarou a daddy? Isn't he more of a-mami?

Scorpio - How does Kokichi know that you're eating soup later? It's cause he's the Soup-reme leader

Sagittarius - Hey Kaede! Wanna hang out later? It'll be a crushing time!

Capricorn - Rantarou's having a ball and it's getting in his head

Aquarius - I'd make a joke about Angie but she's already board stiff

Pisces - Have a nice trip Kirumi, see you next fall!

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