
"Let me just fin - "


"But - "


"Aur - "


"Ple - "


Nyx shook her head as they continued. They're hopeless!

"AURELIA!" Xander yelled.

"WHAT?" Aurelia shrieked.

"What is going on in here?" Laurelyn deadpanned behind them.

All three turned -  her younger brother, her younger sister, and her future Alpha.

"Laura!" Nyx shouted as she enveloped Laurelyn in her arms, a little different from how she normally acted.

A muffled squeak was all that came from Laurelyn before she sighed and relaxed.

"You're really here," Nyx whispered.

"What am I, chopped liver?" Xander huffed.

Aurelia rolled her eyes. "And about the window Xander - "

"Laurelyn save me I'm going to die she hates me 'cause I don't know how to fix windows she's going to kill me help!" Xander yelped, jumping behind Laurelyn as Nyx let go of her.

Sadly, Laurelyn pushed Xander out from behind her. "Please kill him for me."

"Traitor!" Xander accused.

Laurelyn gave him a provocating smirk before shoving him in front of Aurelia. "All yours."

Aurelia glared at Xander. "Fix the window."

"But I don't know how to - "

"I don't care!" Aurelia cried. "Call the window-fixers or stick the glass together like you so smartly tried to or anything else! I don't care. I just want the window fixed and you will make that happen."

"You know, you're terrifying when you want your window to be fixed," Laurelyn observed.

Aurelia snorted.

" - I just hope you'll be like that too when you confront your father."

Aurelia's face fell. "Do I have to?"

"Well..." Laurelyn said, and for a moment Aurelia felt hopeful. "You could just leave Silver Fall alone, just that you will live as a rogue forever and he will come and kill you."

The look in Aurelia's eyes turned exasperated. "But... are you sure I am who I am?"

All three siblings frowned at her. "Yes," they said at the same time.

Aurelia sighed dejectedly. "Why?"

Xander pointed at her right shoulder.

"What?" Aurelia said.

Nyx sighed.

"Don't point!" Laurelyn scolded.

Xander rolled his eyes. "Don't treat me like a little child!"

"What is it about my shoulder?" Aurelia asked.

Nyx stepped closer, pushing Aurelia's sleeve up.

"What?" Aurelia said.

"Don't you see?" Laurelyn asked.

"No, actually. I don't!" Aurelia said exasperatedly.

"Your mark," Xander said. "Look. The crescent moon, it's always been there, hasn't it?"

Aurelia looked down and saw it. She was so used to it that she had forgotten it was there.

"Yes..." Aurelia said slowly. "So what?"

"It's never been just a birthmark, Aurelia," Xander replied. "It's a tattoo."

"What?!" Aurelia screamed.

Laurelyn sighed. "Queen Vayna had it put on you before they... gave you away, so that when the time came, she could find you."

"Is it even legal to tattoo a baby?"

No one answered that question.

"Wait, what about the door?" Aurelia cried suddenly. It seemed she was trying to get her mind off how she had been tattooed as a baby.

"What about the door?" Nyx repeated.

"Laurelyn - " Aurelia stopped.

"Yes, I bought it," Laurelyn sighed, "and I fixed it."

Aurelia turned to Xander. "See!"

"See what?" Xander asked, completely oblivious to the glares the females were giving him.

"She can fix the door! You can't fix the window!" Aurelia cried.

"He what?" Laurelyn demanded. Without waiting for a reply, she continued, "Xander Zhou, buy glass and fix the window - "

" - if you know what's good for you," Nyx finished her sentence.

Aurelia's eyebrow twitched. She'd called him Xander Zhou, but he'd said... never mind.

Xander huffed and left the house, muttering to himself, "What's with my family and threatening..."

"Just so you know," Laurelyn yelled after him, "we can hear you!"

The Betrayed won't Lie Low (discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن