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Bullying is bad. Do you know why?

Maybe it's because you make people cry

Do you not have any shame?

I don't think so...because you're only doing it for fame

You know you should stop

Because the way you make people feel, I believe that they will drop

The feeling isn't pleasant, oh no, not at all

You shouldn't kick them, oh I am appalled

Please, please, please STOP!

Because you make people feel you are at the top

The victims who are are bullied, do you know how they feel?

You make them hurt, their heart starts to peel

They cry and cry and cry all night

They are wondering what they can do to make it right

They don't have any ideas, and they are afraid to ask elders

They don't have any friends to help them, not even members

They are lonely, upset, bitter and depressed

The only way to help them is to take out the stress

Go and help them, take away their walls

Go and give them a gift, maybe even a ball

They want to be happy, go give them a hug

All they want are some friends, don't be so smug

For the issue 'bullying', I want to let you know that the people who try to bring you down are already below you (don't take this the wrong way). Don't forget to comment, follow, share and make the dull star bright and yellow (or orange)! 

Poems by @SophitzClaceWhere stories live. Discover now