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I smiled
We watched Insidious and I felt that my eyes were getting heavy and I drifted to sleep. I woke up on Nick's chest, it was still pitch black outside. I checked the time and it was 2am. I slowly got up and walked to Brandon's room. He was asleep and I went upstairs to grab a drink. I poured a glass of water and decided to go outside for some fresh air. I sat at the side of the pool and calmed my mind. I sat there for a while and I saw a figure roaming around in the kitchen. It was Nick. He didn't see me outside and he went down.
Nick's POV
I woke up and Y/n wasn't in the room. I walked upstairs from down to upstairs to search for her. But I didn't spot her anywhere. Then I called her phone but it was on my nightstand. I got so worried. I stayed in my room and hoped that she's okay.
Your POV
Probably Nick got a drink? I don't know. I just needed to relax my mind. I stayed outside until the sun rose. I looked at my watch and it was 5am. Wow, I didn't really keep track of time. I got inside and went to my room. I saw Nick on his bed
Nick: Oh my gosh y/n I was so worried
He hugged me
Me: Aww Nick, I'm fine
Nick: Where were you?
Me: I was up on the roof
Nick: Until 5am?
Me: I didn't keep track of time. Sorry
Nick: You shouldn't have told me!
Me: Nick, I don't want to argue about this. Not in the morning
Nick: You didn't even tell me! You shouldn't have told me!
Me: Nick, if youre going to argue with me. I might as well go out again. I don't want to argue this early.
I got my phone and went out.
Nick: Y/n-
I closed the door
I went to Brandon's room and locked the door.
I posted on my Instagram story. I took a vid of myself crying and captioned "You happy?". I saw that Avani saw my Instagram story
Avani: (replied to your
Instagram story)
Omg you okay?


What are you doing up
this late?

I couldn't sleep

Oh. Okay. You better
go to sleep, it's late

Yeah, okay
I coughed and accidentally woke up Brandon
Bran: You okay?
Me: Yeah
Bran: What are you doing here?
Me: I came to check on you
Bran: Oh okay
Me: Go back to sleep. I'll wake you up later.
Bran: Since you're here. Can you sleep with me?
Me: Anything for my little brother
I lay beside him and he fell asleep. I couldn't sleep so I stayed up on my phone. It was already 6am. I didn't fall asleep. At 8am, I went to Nick's room to take a shower. I went in his room and saw him on his bed. He didn't sleep I can tell.
Nick: Finally came back huh?
I ignored him and took a shower. I put on clothes and walked away. I passed by him
Nick: Y/n I know what I did was wrong-
I shut the door. I went to Brandon's room and he was already dressed.
Bran: Good morning
Me: Morning
Me: Come on. Let's go upstairs. I'll make breakfast
Bran: Can I help
Me: Sure
We went upstairs. I saw Nick and Mia there.
Bran: Morning Nick
Nick: Morning Bran, morning Y/n
I have him a smile and a nod. I proceeded to make me and Brandon breakfast. After that, we ate. I scrolled through social media. I saw Nick's story he replied on my story by using his story captioned "I'm sorry". I saw that and almost instantly Avani DM me

Are you and Nick okay?

It's a long story

Can you tell me please?

At 2am, I went out to get a
drink, then I saw a figure roaming
around the kitchen. I knew it was
Nick and I thought he was grabbing
a drink so I didn't pay much
attention then, when I got back. He
was yelling at me for not telling him

Oh my that boy! Sorry girl

It's whatever. I can handle it on my

Ok, can I come over later?

Sure, but I won't be here
I'm going out with my
friends later.

Oh okay

Then I DM Jeremy
Me: Hey Jeremy, Nick's not coming
with us today.
jeremy; Oh, it's okay
I cleaned up and. Took a 10 minute break. I charged my phone and got the weapons ready.
Me: Brandon, you want to go to the gym?
Bran: Sure!
We went to the gym
Me: Remember the routine?
Bran: Yeah
Me: Let's warm up first
Bran: Okay
Me: You do your warm ups and I do mine.
Bran: Okay
We started off with back stretches then push ups I proceeded with pull ups while he proceeded with leg stretches. Then I did my leg stretches. We trained for 30 minutes and for the next 30 I taught him how to use those weapons and some self defense skills. After an hour and 15 minutes. We finished off with the whole routine
Me: 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4. 6. 3. 1. 2. 1.
Me: Good job bud
Ondre: You guys are so cool
I smiled
Ondre: Hey bud
Brandon ran to Ondreaz. Ondreaz picked him up.
Ondreaz: Heeeyyyy
I just smiled at them and kept the weapons.
Ondre: You okay? I heard yelling this morning
He whispered
Me: I'll explain later. Don't tell Brandon
I whispered back
Ondre: Ok
He whispered back
Me: Come on now Brandon, let's go take a shower
He went to his room and I went to Nick's room. He wasn't in the room. So I quickly took a shower and changed. I didn't see Nick around so I was a little relieved. I got out and I bumped into him
Nick: Y/n please listen
Me: Not now Nick. I'm busy
I walked away and went to Brandon's room. I knocked on the door
Bran: Come in!
I went inside and Ondreaz was there.
Me: Oh hey Ondre
Ondreaz: Hey, want to talk about just now
I took out my iPad and headphones and asked Brandon to watch YouTube.
Ondreaz: Now you want to explain?
Me: Fine... At 2am, I went to get a drink and I went outside for some fresh air. Then I sat at the side of the pool and lost track of time. And it was already 5am so I went back inside and Nick yelled at me for not telling him
Ondre: Why didn't you tell him?
Me: He was asleep
Ondre: Oh yeah. You want me to talk to him?
Me: No, not now
Ondre: Okay
I looked at the time and it was already 11am. I went to Thomas's room. I knocked
Me: Hey, I have to go out
Thomas: Oh yeah. Miaaaa
Mia: What?
Thomas: You ready?
Mia: Yeah
We went to the car
Me: Bye Brandon
Bran: Bye
He hugged me
We went in the car and it was silent. Then, Thomas broke the silent
Thomas: I heard yelling last night. You and Nick okay?
Me: He argues about the dumbest thing
Mia: What?
Me: At 2am I got up go to get some water then I went outside to the pool area and sat there. Then I saw I figure and knew it was Nick but I didn't pay much attention because I thought he was grabbing a glass of water or something. Then I got distracted. And I saw the time was 5am then I went back inside and he yelled at me for not telling him.
Thomas: Why didn't you tell him?
Me: Why do people keep asking this, he was sleeping
Thomas: Oh yeah
Mia: Don't you think he was just looking out for you?
Me: Mia, he yelled at me about something that we can talk about
Mia: Get your point
We arrived at the mall
Me: I'll text you guys when I'm done
Thomas: Okay and becareful
Me: Okay

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