Chapter 25 - Leaving

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It was now April 23rd, and Ashton was leaving tomorrow. I was sad, but happy for Ashton. I had an ultrasound a few days ago for my 37 week checkup. I was getting really big, and Ashton and I were really excited. I hope that I make it to my due date, but I hope I don't. I want Ashton to be home right when I go into labor, but that means I'll have to carry the baby longer than I actually want to. I'm getting tired of carrying the baby around.

Ashton and I have been dating for over a year now!! I loved what we did for our anniversary. Ashton recreated our first date. It was really fun.

Another thing, Logan and Layla had their baby on April 19th. They named him Jackson Ethan Higgins. Jackson, just because they like the name, then the middle name Ethan because my dad's name was Ethan. Jackson weighed 7lbs 9oz. I got to hold him for the first time after Layla, Logan, then my mum held him. He made me get really excited to have my own baby. Ashton held him after I did, and he loved it. He told me that it made him really excited too.

Talia is now 23 weeks (with a baby girl!! Yay!!) and going on tour with the boys. She kind of has to, because she is their wardrobe stylist. I hope she isn't going to have the baby on tour, that the baby will be born during the break in July, but I don't know. She is due on August 12th, and the break in July ends on July 30th.

Back to Ashton leaving for tour, he had all of his things packed, and in his suitcase, he had a copy of the 37 week ultrasound. I made sure that he was going to call me when he landed in Bogota (where they are going first), then every day, even if it was early or late here (since we are 16 hours ahead of them). He said that he would, and I hoped he would keep his promise. I knew he was going to be busy, but hopefully he had time to FaceTime me so we can see how each other are doing.

Ashton and I went to bed on April 23rd, and I slept until Ashton's alarm went off at 4:30am so we would get to the airport, and so they can get on their flight: 7:30am flight to Bogota. Ashton and I both showered and got dressed, then got into the car and started driving to the airport.

"Babe, I'm going to miss you and the baby" he said to me.

"We're going to miss you too" I spoke for me and the baby.

"But I'm going to be home soon.. in about 2 1/2 weeks"

"Yeah. I can't wait till then"

We arrived at the airport, and we met up with the boys. They went through security and all of that, then we were just waiting for them to start boarding the flight. Ashton stood with me the whole time, holding my hand.

"Ashton, call me when you get there, okay?" I made sure he remembered.

"I know, babe. I will." He promised.

"7:30 flight to Bogota now boarding. First call for 7:30 flight to Bogota" we heard boom through the airport.

"That's us, babe" Ashton told me.

"But you guys don't have to go yet. That was only the first call"

"Okay. I'll stay. But only until the next call"

A few minutes later, we heard again, "Second and last call for 7:30 flight to Bogota.Second and last call for 7:30 flight to Bogota".

"I gotta go, babe" Ashton looked at me, almost crying.

"Okay" I chocked out. I was crying too.

"Don't worry, babe, I'll be back soon. Just wait for me. Don't let the baby come until I get back"

"I'll try" I said before swallowing.

Ashton kissed me goodbye, then he started to walk away, our hands slowly separating. He gave the lady his ticket, turned around to me, blew me a kiss, then walked onto the plane. I kept crying, it's just that I haven't been away from Ashton for more than a day since we started dating.

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