Chapter 21 - Gravity

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A/N: I had to rewrite part of this chapter after accidentally deleting it, then I deleted the whole chapter which sucks.. So I had to write part of this chapter 3 times and the other part 2 times:(


It was now October 30th and we were in Melbourne for the boys' last show. The boys had just played four shows four nights in a row in Sydney. We stayed with our parents while in Sydney. I caught up with my mum and Danielle. Danielle was doing okay, but she wasn't the best. The tumor, as mum said, was eating up her brain. She would be really moody at random times. She almost couldn't control her body at times, too.

Anyways, we are at the stadium in Melbourne and the show was almost finished. Ashton and I were getting ready to leave for the airport. The 1D boys ran off the stage after yelling goodnight to the fans. We drove off to the airport and took off for Sydney. After one and a half hours, we landed in Sydney. We split up into different cars and drove to Ashton's house where we were throwing a party. Anne Marie said that she was taking Lauren and Harry over to my house to spend the night so we could have the party there. Ashton and I arrived at his house, then started the music. We had drinks and chips set around everywhere. People were piling in, and Ashton and I were just sitting at the dining room table. Ashton left for a drink, and then later came back, drunk.

"Heyy baabe" He was slurring his words.

He started coming towards me, but I said, "Ashton, no, you're drunk"

"What the fuuck? Why woould youu think thaat?"

He got close and started grinding on me. He was touching me too, but I said firmly, "Ashton, stop"

"Leet's goo to my rooom" he told me.

"No" I denied.

"Fine, I'll gooo find anotherr girrl"

I seized his arm and pulling him back towards me, telling him that he would stay with me. We walked to his room, and started making out. His hands traveled to my pants but I smacked his hands.

I watched Ashton the rest of the night, making sure he didn't do anything stupid. When everyone left and Ashton was passed out on the couch, I started to clean up. I cleaned most of the stuff up, then carried Ashton back to his room. I laid him down on his bed, then took his shoes, socks, and shirt off. I replaced his skinny jeans with sweatpants so it would be more comfortable. I fell asleep next to him, hoping the hangover wouldn't be too bad for him in he morning.


I woke up and Ashton was still asleep. I walked out to the kitchen and started making breakfast. As I was finishing up, Ashton walked out and sat down on the counter, then laid his head on the counter. I put a plate in front of his face and he started to eat slowly.

"How are you feeling Ash?" I asked him.

"Okay," he replied then took a bite, "how did you stay sober the whole night last night?"

"One, I'm seventeen, and two," I gestured to my 12-week baby bump.


Ashton finished eating, put his plate in the dishwasher, then I asked him, "what are you going to do now they you aren't on tour?"

"I have something in mind"


"It's a surprise"



"Okay, anything else?"

"Yeah. I want to go to your grandma's house and-"

Gravity - An Ashton Irwin Fanfiction (UNDERGOING MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now