Chapter 20 - Baby Problems

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*Still Ashton's POV*

I walked towards a crying Maddie. I sat down next to her and asked, "babe, what's wrong?" I started to grab her hand from her face and hold it, but she took it away from me and turned away from me. I was shocked. I walked to the other side of the bed, and she turned again. I grabbed ahold of her waist and she tried to wiggle out of my grasp, but I turned her towards me and asked, "babe, why are you avoiding me? Are you mad at me?" She shook her head no, and I crouched down next to the bed. "So why are you crying and avoiding me?" I whispered.

"I-I, I'm," she was stuttering, "th-the the, um"

"What Madds?"

"The-the baby" she cried and held her stomach. My heart stopped. The baby, no, not the baby, please!

"No, Madds, not the baby," I didn't want to hear her say it.

"Ashton, we lost the baby," she cried more and more, so I pulled her head into my chest. I cried onto her head. This can't be happening.

*Maddison's POV*

I started crying like crazy, so Ashton pulled my head into his chest. After a minute, I felt tears on my head. Ashton was crying too. I pulled my head out of his chest, looked at him, then i put my head back in. He rested his chin on the top of my head. I felt his head move from off of my head, so I looked up at him. He pushed my head back into his chest, but I turned around and again, Ashton pulled my head into his chest.

*Luke's POV*

The nurse told us that we were allowed to see Maddie now, so Calum, Michael, Talia, and I headed back. We got to her room. Calum, Talia, and Michael stayed outside while and I went in and saw Maddie crying into Ashton's chest with Ashton crying onto the top of Maddie's head. This wasn't normal. Something was wrong because I never see Ashton cry. I walked towards him and he mouthed something. I tilted my head telling him I didn't understand. He mouthed it again. "The baby" he had mouthed. Maddie put her head up, but Ashton pushed it back in. I understood and started walking out, but Ashton gestured me to come back in. I walked in and sat beside them. Ashton turned Maddie around, then she saw me and threw herself onto me then continued crying. Ashton walked out of the room and Maddie looked up for a second, then put her head back on my shoulder.

*Ashton's POV*

I turned Maddie around so she saw Luke. When she did, she hugged him and I was able to go out to the other boys and Talia and tell them. I knew they were there since I saw them peek in. I wiped a tear away, and walked out the door to see Michael, Calum, and Talia waiting in the hallway by the door. Michael must've noticed my eyes were puffy, because he asked, "lad, were you crying?"

"Yeah, I was" I said.

"Is it Maddie?" Talia asked.

"Kind of.." I hesitated telling them, "it's the.. the baby" I almost started crying there.

"Oh my god, Ash, I'm so sorry" Talia apologized while Michael and Calum stood there, shocked.

"It's not your fault, Talia." I said, and she replied with an "okay" before walking into Maddie's room.

*Talia's POV*

Maddie and Ashton lost their baby. This must've killed Maddie to hear. I finished talking to Ashton then walked into her room. She was crying over Luke's shoulder, and she still had the IV in her, making it harder to hug him. She looked up, hearing me coming, and looked at me, then opened her arms towards me. Luke backed out of the room while we were hugging, and I whispered to Maddie, "I'm so sorry" "it's okay, Tals. I'm okay.." She was crying.

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