It was one thing to know how long he was alive, but it was a whole other thing to know every intricate detail of those two centuries. They wouldn't like what they'd find — no, he wouldn't like what they'd find. 

Years and years of the myriad of mistakes and failures because of him were locked away in that apartment . . . no doubt if they looked hard enough, and they would, they'd find them. Questions would be thrown around like an untamed fire, spreading and latching onto anything in sight until everything surrounding Shoto was consumed. He should have prepared himself for something like this, how could he have possibly thought he'd be able to keep his friends away from his personal life for this long? Sure, he had been doing it for decades with all of his past friends but . . . they were different.

Out of the countless people he had ever grown close to over the years, this particular group of friends was by far his favorite. They were loud and wild, all of them possessing some different wildly personality yet fitting together just the same. He thought of them as family more than anything — something Shoto hasn't had in quite some time. So the mere thought of scaring them off was far too much for him to bear.

Hopefully when they got there no questions or snooping would be added on.

Bakugou pushed a sigh from his lips as he allowed himself to slow down his walking, eventually ending up at the back where Izuku was. 

"Mido," he began in a whisper, wrapping his arm lightly around Izuku's shoulders. "Listen if I knew any of this shit was gonna happen tonight, I never would have brought you. I'm s —"

"Kacchan if you say 'I'm sorry' I just might die," Izuku chuckled, leaning into his brother's touch with an adoring smile.

Narrowing his eyes, Bakugou's grip tightened for a fraction of a second as he scoffed. "And if you interrupt me one more damn time I just might strangle you." Bakugou threatened playfully.

The insides of Izuku's stomach did a plethora of flips at the words that entered his ears, muscles locking and eyes widening. And for a second — just one second, Izuku could have sworn he heard the voice of another man saying that to him. Then he slipped back, the familiar warmth of his brother — his best friend, circled him and he was safe. 

Izuku knew he was playing around, that his words held no truth to them . . . but that didn't stop him from going back there.

"As if," Izuku countered after a few moments, thankful the blond had yet to notice the shift in his mood. "I'd kick your ass Bakugou," he sneered, matching Bakugou's playfulness.

"Oh, yeah?" The red-eyed teen snickered, "I'd like to see you try,"

Before Izuku could take him up on the challenge, Kaminari's overly excited voice resonated throughout the deserted side-walk. "Holy shit guys, look!" The yellow-haired male exclaimed, index finger pointing sternly into the alley beside them.

Everyone's gaze soon fixated down the alley, which was illuminated by a singular, flickering, yellow light. A black duffel bag lying at the end of the walkway, cans of spray paint scattered around it along with other miscellaneous items.

"What are we supposed to be looking at?" Sero questioned with a quirked brow.

"The spray paints, dumbass," Kaminari retorted as he made his way over to the cans. "Look, someone was spray painting the wall."

Folding his arms across his chest, Kirishima shook his head. "We don't have time for this dude,"

However, he and the other's protests fell upon deaf ears for Kaminari continued his path down; eventually stopping in order to pick up a can. He was an art student, therefore whenever he found a chance to create art he took it . . . no matter how stupid it might be. Following after him, the group of teenagers soon found themselves watching as he got to work painting the wall — knowing there'd be no use in stopping him.

"Whoa," Izuku breathed as he watched the male create a beautiful replica of Sensoji Temple. "Isn't this illegal?" he asked soon after.

"Only if you get caught," Ashido replied.

However, just after she had given her retort the blaring sound of police sirens echoed throughout the alley. The flashing lights flickering across them as they stared head-on at the cruiser's headlights.

"Awe shit . . ."

Hello Cricket Cultists!!    

First and foremost let me talk about Shoto's character a little more.

As I've mentioned before, he's a very complex man who has experienced quite a bit in this story of mine - which plays heavily in how I try to portray him. But I think what I like, and am somewhat good at, is portraying his more . . . psychologically in-tuned side. And I couldn't talk about this before because the story was barely starting, but now I can.

I struggled a bit in the beginning on what I wanted Shoto to major in, obviously he would have majored in a plethora of different things before, but it was specifically for what he'd be doing the entire story. And it's no doubt in everyone's mind - I hope - that Izuku has been through some very traumatic experiences, just as Shoto has throughout the centuries. I really wanted to play into that for both of them, which is why I chose phycology for Shoto.

After being alive for two centuries I felt as though he began to realize he wasn't the only one who went through hardships, which is what drew him to phycology in human beings. Add that to he and Izuku's shared trauma and how they can help each other through that . . . guys I just fell in love with the idea.

Until we meet again!!

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