ch 7

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Ch 7 Heat Raped

Sophia's POV

As I sat of the chair I really didn't know what to do. A part of me was thirsty for his touch, just to have that "safe-at-home" feeling. The feeling that I have heard of mated she wolves talk about. But no matter how much I craved that, it can never be mine.

"Go head and just put your hand on his, not only will we get to hold him but also it might help him get better." Faith made an excuse to hold him.

"No way! May the Goddess know what he will do once he wakes up?" I argued back.

"No, no please he has already done the most damage, please Soph, even if I don't want to I need it." My poor wolf pleaded me.

After a lot of hesitation, I slowly touched Adam's hand. The sparks where faint but still there. My wolf purred to feel her mate.

See this is why I didn't want to do any of this, you always lose track of time when you're enjoying it a lot. I didn't even notice that not only did his color return but he had moved too.

It wasn't till he grabbed my wrist and shot open his pitch black eyes that I knew that I had overstayed my welcome. Panic arose within me, worse the panic I used to have. I want to stop him but I can't move the way I used to.

"A-a-a-a-ad-ad-ad-Adam l-l-l-l-le-let go, you're scaring m-m-m-me." I stuttered. I tried to talk or move yet I couldn't.


I knew his wolf was in control and I couldn't find the right words. He was holding my wrist tighter each min.

"N-no, re-remember you rejected me," I tried explaining but that made it worst.

"MINE!!" His voice boomed, and with that the next thing I knew was that, he crushed me in his arms licking my neck before digging his canals into my skin where he had licked. The pain was so much that I could do nothing but scream. Soon those screams of pain turned into screams of pleasure. No matter how much I try to control I couldn't. Moan after Moan escaped from my lips.

Then a sharp pain hit me at the pit of my stomach. Adam licked the wound on my neck shut

"Perfect timing for mating. I didn't know you wanted to start a family this soon." Adam said in a husky voice.

Oh crap. Not only am I blacking out but I am also in heat.

I tried my best to fight him but he was too strong at the moment. Faith was also too weak to help me.

"I'm so sorry, this is my entire fault and I can't help you when you need me the most," Faith cried.

"No Faith, don't blame yourself I know the mate bond was there." I tried smoothing her.

Adam had started kissing down my neck ripping my clothes off as he worked himself down my body. I struggled my best to fight him. By hitting him in every way I could but nothing worked. My arms and legs where becoming heavy for me to even move them. I couldn't even scream now. It was so hard to keep my eyes open.

His hand were roaming my body very softly just like his kisses. I blinked once he was on top of me, looking down into my eyes. I blinked again and he had himself positioned to rape me while whispering nothings into my ear.

My mind was screaming for him to stop but nothing came out of my mouth now. To say I was scared was an understatement now, I was terrified now. Adam kissed my lips ever so softly and then he started exploring my mouth.

While he was kissing me he started rubbing his dick on my pu**y very softly too. When he thought I was wet enough he thrusted only ¼ in me slowly, after he made sure that, that part of me was adjusted to him, he would then he took out his dick and rubbed it on my pu**y the same way he did before and then thrusting in me ¼ more. He kept repeating the steps until he was fully in me. After adjusting himself in me he started to me thrust in me going faster after a few mins. It was so hard to stay awake that every time I would open my eyes I would be in a different position.

The last time I keep my eyes open was when ,I felt not only myself tighten before a wave of pleasurable heat hit me ,but also hot seeds that filled my womb as Adam granted and stiffened at his own release.

Adam pulled me close to chest hugging as the both we went to sleep.

Sometime later I woke up panicked, Adam was still asleep. I had to get out of here so I silently got out from under his arm and then his bed. Then I took some sweatpants and t shirt out since my clothes were ripped. I grabbed my clothes and tip toed out the door, down the stairs and out of the house into the dark...

I silently went to my room. Grabbed the things I would need and went straight to the airport. After buying a ticket to Russia, got in the plan and stayed on auto pilot throughout the whole time.






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