Chapter 30: Anna's Choice

Start from the beginning

"Ahhh, yes. I heard a rumour that there was something going on between you two,"

"It's not something, well it is, ugh I don't know. It's like when I'm with him it feels so right. Like we're destined to be together. But I can't be with him, first of all he's not here and second of he's technically dead,"

"But do you want to be with Edmund? Or Patrick?"

"Both. Is that so wrong? I mean Edmund even told me to love another and that he would wait for me, however long it takes for us to truly be together,"

"Well, there you go. Isn't that the answer you were searching for?"

"Yes it is but. Wouldn't you feel guilty if the one you truly loved had to watch you fall in love with another?"

"I would. But if they gave me the option of falling in love twice, I'd take it. Yes I would feel a little guilty at first, however love is a beautiful thing and true love well that's rare. That's my opinion at least,"

"Princess Ariana, you are truly full of surprises," I said looking up at Patrick and Jackson

She smiled, "Well, why don't you go grab your man and I'll go get time. I'd like to spend some time with Jackson before we get to the battle field,"

I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit as she rode up to where Jackson and Patrick were talking. I watched as she told Patrick something. He looked back at me and smiled, then he turned his horse around and rode back toward me.

"Ariana mentioned you wanted to talk," he said grinning

"That obvious?"

"Only because you guys talk rather loudly, but don't worry. We weren't exactly listening to what every you guys were saying,"

"Oh ok. That's good,"

"So what did you want to tell me,"

"I--I," I hesitated then took in a breath. "I want to give us a shot,"

Patrick looked confused at first then smiled and it was a huge smile, "Oh my God really?!? You're picking me?"

I sighed "Well yes and no,"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm choosing to try and fall in love with you. But I still have feelings for Edmund and that's something you have to understand. He's always going to have a place in my heart but I can't be with him. We both know that. So he's giving me the chance to be free and live a happy life despite the fact that he loves me. So yes, I want to give us a shot,"

"I get and understand. So what's this mean exactly?"

I laughed, "Well what do you want it to mean?" Patrick though for a second then stood up on his strups, "Patrick! What are you doing?!? Sit down!" I tried to get him to sit down

"ANNA KESLER?" shout Patrick. Everyone heading to battle looked bewildered but kept on moving. Zoran immediately turned around confused as hell. Oh my God what is he up to? "WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?!"

Everyone around us gasped, Zoran spit out the water he had just taken a sip of, Ray and Ariana clapped, Jackson and Justin wolf whistled, and Patrick was grinning like an idiot. "YES! I will be your girlfriend. My God, you had to make a scene out of it,"

"Why yes I did, you deserve the best," he said as he sat back down onto his saddle and kissed me on the cheek.

I blushed, "Thank you. Didn't know you could be so sweet,"

"Well I have my moments,"

We laughed then kept going. The battlefield was about a day's ride away. It's all coming to one final battle so quickly. Are we really ready for this?

It was the afternoon of the next day when we got there. I had already told the troops to set up camp. Camp was up and running. The Princess and everyone else was having dinner in the temporary mess hall. I was walking around the camp making sure everything was set for tomorrow or the next day. I was standing near the edge of the camp that faced the battlefield. It was a huge area of just grass and it was flat land. As I was standing there, I heard hooves come up behind me, "Duralagis, what can I do for you?"

"Ah, so it is true. No one can easily sneak up on you,"

"Why yes that is true," I turned to face him, "Is there something you needed?"

"Yes and no. Well, I mostly wanted to check on you. To make sure you were ok and fit to led us into battle,"

"Excuse me?"

"I meant no offense General. But, you did just come out of coma, Aslan and the others left, and you barely survived all that torture you recived. It doesn't take a genius to know that something like that would damage a person,"

I snorted, "I'm not like most people, but I do see your point." I paused to think for a second, "I might not be fully ok, no one would be after-- well after what I went through. But like I said to Aslan, no one is ever ready to lead, but I have to. It's why I'm here,"

"Of course. I really did mean no offence. I just don't think any of us were expecting you to heal that quickly,"

"Truthfully, I wasn't either but I guess there are some perks to being a Phoenix,"

"Yes, there must be," he then bowed his head and walked back toward the camp. I stayed there, looking out onto the field where we would either win the war or lose it. I just hope everything goes as planned and that we all walk out of here. 

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