Chapter 7: Forever Falling

Start from the beginning

"You're kidding, right?" 

"I'm afraid I'm not. Should I be afraid?" 

"You're one sick son of a bitch. But I like it." 

"I aim to please. Now, that jar should fill in about fifteen minutes, so we should-" 

"To long." I pull the kukri off my shoulder and I stab it deep into the tree repeatedly, causing sap to pour out. I'm topping my jar a couple of minutes later. 

"That works. Now, I'm particularly concerned about Mr. Ark..." 

"As am I, Gavin. Let's get going." I start walking to where I saw them run off to, tossing my jar up and down. I reach the location, and CRDL has Jaune held up, Cardin covered in sap. 

"Oh, you've done it now!" Cardin shouts at a terrified Jaune. 

"You lay a single finger on him!" I shout, taking my helmet back off. They all look up, Cardin terrified. "You'll know what a Spartan can really do." 

"Know how to count, dipshit?" Dove pointed out. "There's four of us, one of you!" I pull my magnum. 

"I like those odds." Damn, what a cool and totally original line I just came up with. Our stand off is interrupted by a large roar. 

"That's a big Ursa!" Russel said. I look to the side, sure enough, it's really big. RDL flees while the Ursa looks for a sweat snack that's Cardin. He's easily disarmed, and he's about to kill him, but I run over, giving Jaune a signal to wait. I come in front of a cowering Cardin, the Ursa bites down on my arm. My shields shatter, but the newly unlocked aura bonds to my armor, saving it from being destroyed, not to mention my arm. I take my other hand and shoot the thing multiple times with my magnum, causing it to stumble back. Jaune charges the thing, but his shield is to low. It's mysteriously raised up as the Ursa swipes at him, sliding straight under the blow and killing it. I give Jaune the thumbs up as he walks over to Cardin. 

"Don't ever means with my team, my friends, ever again. Got it?" Cardin doesn't respond, just nodding. Jaune walks away. I walk up to Cardin next, grabbing him by his chest plate, raising him to his feet. 

"I'll break your neck, otherwise." I shove him off and walk away. Guess this fight was nice, got to see how much I needed aura. My shields are plenty good, but this is on a whole new level. Now I just have to discover my semblance. I walk up to Jaune. 

"Thanks for the assist." He said, laughing. 

"All I did was get bit. You were the one who actually killed it." 

"Yah... that's some insane armor, though! Where did you even get that?!" 

"Take a guess." 


"Yup. Now, where did I leave my jar..." I start looking around, and I put my helmet on for a Gavin assist. Jaune walks away. "Gavin, can you track my jar?" 

"Sure, and let me also track down the Lost Ark of-" 

"Alright, I get it." I go deeper in the forest, looking. I'm pretty deep when I hear a deep voice. 

"Looking for this?" Another Elite... this one has field marshal armor and is missing one of his mandibles. I pull MES, preparing to fight. 

"You don't belong here. You've destroyed Reach already..." 

"Ha! I've never had more fun than that cleaning!" 

"You bastard!" I charge, so he turns on a pitch black energy sword. My modified blue energy sword clashes with his traditional black energy sword, causing sparks to fly. He kicks his leg out and sweeps, but I jump up and kick him in the face. He uppercuts with the sword, so I step to the side, but he reaches out and grabs me, throwing me away. I roll to a stop, and notice him picking up my magnum. Must have come off of me. 

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