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November washed away into December, flooding us with more snow and homework. Everyone was getting stressed at this point, but if there was one thing that everyone was looking forward to was Christmas. And as for Slytherins, a party. Not some small high school party; a HUGE party, you might even call it a ball because of the scale of organisation. A lot of the older Slytherins had been assigned roles in planning the big celebration. Fortunately, I had been excused from doing much because I had not one idea on how these things worked. What drinks do people take? Do they even eat? Are there games? Are we supposed to dress like Santa? Is Santa even supposed to be there? See, I was, in fact, clueless.

"A hundred and fifty bottles should be sufficient, right?" Caelum mutters to himself, scratching his head as we sat in the library. He has his tie loosely hanging around his neck and his hair like spikes erupting, his eyes narrowed and forehead wrinkled. I sigh, closing the Alchemy book and placing it in my bag.

"Don't you think you've done enough work today?" I ask cautiously, knowing just how stressed he is.

"Ugh." He throws the books and sheets he had stacked up in his lap onto the table. I wince as they land with a sick thud. He mutters a small apology and lays his head on the desk. I frown and pick up one of the sheets which has a lengthy list of items noted on it. 'Food and Drinks' the title read, written in a mixture of Caelum's okay-ish handwriting and his I-don't-even-care-anymore handwriting. I lean forward and gently run my hand through his hair, caressing it. He sighs into the table then gently grabs my hand holds it to his cheek.

I giggle, "what are you doing?"

"Your palms are really soft," he mumbles groggily.

I move closer to him and gently shake him freeing my hand from his grasp. He whines and closes his eyes, as if trying sleep.

"Caelum," I shake him again, he doesn't budge, "get up."

"But I'm tired," he whines again. I shake my head, smiling softly.

"You can't sleep in the library," I say gently, my hand squeezing his shoulder, "and we haven't even eaten dinner yet. You can't possibly sleep if you don't eat."

He lifts his head slowly, squinting his eyes to adjust to the light, smirking at me, "you care about me."

I roll my eyes and get up, pushing the chair in. "Of course I care about you, you douche. But right now I'm really contemplating leaving your dumb arse here because you may not be hungry, but I am."

He chuckles, getting up and gathering all the strewn books and sheets. I cross my hands over my chest and raise an eyebrow an him as he shoves them in his bag grudgingly slow.

I roll my eyes again and stalk out of the library, Caelum laughs, running to catch up with me.

"You know I was actually contemplating helping you with all that," I keep one hand on my stomach as it lets out a low growl at the lack of food.

"But...?" he tilts his head towards one side, his brown hair falling onto his forehead.

"But?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Is there no 'but' in that statement?"

"Ugh, I was literally just pointing out my thought," I say, slightly annoyed, "there's no 'but' in there."

His laugh echoes in the corridor as he loosely slings one arm around my neck. "Aw, have I gotten wittle Celestia angry?" he says, as if talking to a child.

"I -" I huff, "I'm literally older than you."

He grins, poking my cheek. I try to throw his arm off me... and fail. I scrunch up my face and poke my tongue out at him. "what happened to being so tired that you were ready to fall asleep in the library?" I tease.

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