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The Common room was warmer, much warmer. I'm glad. I thank Salazar Slytherin for making us this advanced. I make sacrifices. I dance for the Gods. Okay you get the idea.

"He didn't insult me," Caelum says. "He didn't even insult me!" he repeats louder.

I shush him, "there are people sleeping." I hear the fire cackling. This place looks like it's been deserted for ages now, why is there a fire still burning?

He looks almost ecstatic. "Uh, Caelum?" I knock on his forehead.

He looks at me, grinning evilly, "I know what this means." He runs towards the girls' dorm. I shout at him and he tells me to be quiet because people are sleeping.

How he managed to reach our dorm was confusing and amusing considering the stairs – which were now a slide – wouldn't even let me up after he ran through.

By the time I reach my dorm – which mind you was only one minutes and 3 seconds – both Tracy and Carina are sitting on their bed, halfway through their skincare routine, eyes wide and grinning madly. Caelum is sitting on my bed.

"Okay enough," I push him off my bed, "what the hell?"

He grins at me and then shifts to sitting Carina's bed. I frown. Carina starts having a laughing fit and Tracy wiggles her eyebrows.

"Listen to me, you little shits," I say loudly, "what the hell is going on?"


"Yeah, but what about him?"

They're all like a band of squeaky little schoolgirls discussing a boy they liked – wait. No. N.O.

"Oh my gosh, you guys can't be thinking what I'm thinking," I inch back on my bed, my eyes wide.

"Well that depends on what you're – ouch!" Caelum hunches over.

"We don't have time for this," Carina says. Tracy comes and joins me on my bed. She has a sheet mask on making her look like a giant Koala.

"Guys shut up, you are so stupid," I say.

"He, DRACO MALFOY, " Carina emphasises his name, "didn't insult you when he had the perfect opportunity too. He didn't even call Caelum that slur!"


"Don't you see," Tracy giggles, "he likes you!"

I'm horrified. "Of course, not!"

"He stepped aside for you," Caelum reminds me.

"Yeah, but he doesn't need to like me for that," I exclaim.

"Or what?" he challenges.

"He could be – be scared of me."

"And why would he be scared of you?" Carina asks.

"Well, I do have a knack for pulling people off tables and stabbing them with screw drivers ..." I shrug.

Carina shakes her head laughing, while the other two just grin at each other.

"But the funny thing is yeah," Tracy says, "I don't for a second think that she wouldn't do either of the two."

"Still..." Carina shrugs.

"But he's your cousin," I groan, "you know."

"Yeah, I do know him and so I say that even if he is afraid of someone," she says slowly, "he'll act as if he's invincible. He wouldn't, however, stop insulting them."

"That's stupid," Tracy says.

"Well, who's saying he isn't?" Caelum says.

"You guys," I grunt, "it's been a week."


"So," I say, "what could he possibly like about me?"

"You are smart."

"You are so fricking kind."


"Not to mention your looks."

"You're beautiful,"

"And smoking hot."

"You are so fucking talented."

"A walking legend."

They all look at me, expectant. I was at a loss of what to say.

"Uhh.." I stammer.

"Well, what else do you need?" Carina asks.

"Perhaps, I should thank you for all those compliments, but I don't know what else to say."

"Well, all of them are true," Caelum shrugs.

I smile, "thanks guys." Tracy gives me a side hug.

"But, but but, coming back to the topic," Carina interjects, "he –"

"Well, you don't' know for certain if he likes me," I try to get them to crack. I don't see them stepping off this for a long time; what's the cost of trying though? "You're all just making guesses."

"Trust me," Carina says, "I know it's only been one week. But going forwards, if he likes you, he'll make sure everyone knows that."

How could he like me? I almost killed his father. I wish I had killed his father. 


You need a bit of school girl fluff in every serious story. 

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