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 I sit near Malfoy's bed, my right arm in a sling as I wait for Madam Pomfrey to give me the Healing Potion. The sun had set a few short minutes ago, darkness blanketing the ground of Hogwarts. I gaze at all the cuts on the side of Malfoy's face.

"Take a picture," he smirks, adjusting the duvet to sit up straighter, "it lasts longer."

I scoff, "you could've gotten a lot worse, you know?"

He nods then sneers, "yeah. But those little pricks couldn't –"

"Seriously, Malfoy," I cut, annoyed, "why do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Why are you just so, so mean to everyone?" I ask finally. "Look you even got yourself hurt because of it. You're looking to get yourself killed the next time."

"What's it to you?" he asks sharply, his eyebrows set into a frown and mouth in a line. Then his lips turn upwards into an arrogant smirk, "started caring for me, have you?"

I roll my eyes and huff in exasperation, "yeah, in your dreams".

"What happened to your arm?" he asks suddenly.

"Don't change the topic," I hiss.

"But I asked you a question," he counters.

"So did I."

He groans and shifts his weight, "that's just who I am. Now answer my question."

"The bludger," I say shortly, walking towards the window to gaze at the eerie forest. I touch the glass; it instantly cools my fingertips. I look up at the moon, there isn't one today. Well, the moon is always there, but the drape of clouds makes it impossible for it to be seen.

"Ah, Miss Morgana," Madam Pomfrey's soft voice makes me turn around. I smile at her. She hands me a glass with frothy white liquid in it and I chug it in one sip. The pain in my right arm is instantly reduced to a gentle tingling sensation and I sigh in relief.

"Thank you, Madam." I bow and she laughs.

"No need for that, my child, no need for that," she strokes my hair, "just try to come to the Hospital wing less."

I chuckle, "what can I do, Madam? I'm just very clumsy."

She shakes her head smiling and informs me that I am now free to go. She examines Malfoy's cuts and bruises and declares that he can leave as well.

"Morgana?" Malfoy asks, his pale legs dangling off the bed, "could you wait for me?" I arch an eyebrow. He looks so uncertain and sincere, that I comply. I wait outside as he changes back into his Quidditch uniform, being the only pair of clothes he had besides the hospital gown.

Walking through the deserted halls towards the Slytherin Common room, we fall into comfortable silence. Darkness blankets the hallways, save for the few torches lit here and there. Our footsteps echo back at us. Malfoy clears his throat. "Thank you."

I'm taken aback for a moment, and pause before continuing walking, a small smile on my lips. "What for?" I ask, amused.

"Uh, you know, saving – saving me from them," he scratches his neck, refusing to look at me as I look at him sideways.

I shake my head, chuckling, "no problem."

"Didn't you get in trouble for using magic on the Quidditch pitch?"

"Nah, Professor Umbridge let me go musing about our team spirit and how I was only protecting you..." We pass the Great Hall, now almost completely dark. It was way past dinner; my hungry stomach wasn't happy.

WILD FLOWERS ✿ d.malfoyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें