A day full of goodbyes and travelling.

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{ Amy's Pov }

I'm currently in studio A stretching and waiting for everyone else to arrive. I'm a morning person so I usually wake up an hour before my alarm goes of and I'm usually one of the first people to arrive at rehearsal. Me, Piper and Richelle are usually the first three, then we have to wait around half an hour for everyone else. "Hey Amy." I hear a voice say. I turn around to see it's my best friend walking in. Emily is in her office and Nick isn't. Probably at The Next Steep, we know the routine. "Hi Piper! How are you?" I greet her. "To be honest, after yesterday, nothing can change how I feel." "So, I'm guessing your date was good then?" "Oh Amy it wasn't good." She pauses and I give her a really confused look. "It was perfect." "Piper thank god! I thought you were going to say it went terrible. And was I right about telling you what to wear?" "You know you were." "I know. I just like hearing it sometimes." We both laugh and smile and wait for the others.

{ Heath's Pov }

Right now i'm currently with the bro's in The Next Steep and we're talking about random stuff until Finn speaks. "Dude." He says to Henry. "Yeah?" "Yesterday with Piper was meant to be surprise." "Yeah?" I am so confused right now. Did Henry tell Piper? "She said that Amy told her what to wear and she had a hint where I was taking her." "I told Amy not to say anything." "It's cool bro, it was still a surprise and it was perfect so it's cool." "Wait, I'm so confused what happened yesterday?" Ozzy asks. "I took Piper to the beach and we stayed there until after sunset. It was the best date we've been on." Finn says smiling. "That's it? You went to beach and just that there all day?" Kingston asks. "Well..."Finn said tilting his head. I'm not paying that much attention now because Izzy and Maya just walked in. I wanna go and say hi to Izzy, but I can't.  "Okay I'm gonna ask you to stop talking right there!"  Ozzy and Kingston shout at the same time that brings me back to reality. "Guys, we should probably go to rehearsal before we  get murdered for being late." Henry stating the obvious. 

{ Finn's Pov }

When we walk to rehearsal Ozzy notices that we're late. By three minutes. Shit, this is not good. We practically run through the double doors. All the girls and Emily and Nick are at the front. We start to walk to the floor and I make my way to Piper. "Hey babe." "Hey." She replies. I kiss her on the fore head and turn to Emily. She does not look happy. "Where were you boys?" "The next, I mean, the cafe down stairs." Henry says. "Well thank you for correcting your self, but you can't be late to ANYTHING this week. Do I make my self perfectly clear?" She asks. We all we answer because it's more of a demand and not a question. For the rest of rehearsal, we worked on the small groups, the 10 person dance and somehow we had time to waste, Emily allowed Piper and I to practice our duet. Tomorrow morning we leave for dance mania, this is going to be an exciting week. 


{ Piper's Pov }

It is now the morning that we're travelling to dance mania.We're going on a plane and luckily, we only have to catch one flight. Since apparently non of us are responsible enough to meet at the airport,  Emily told us to meet in studioA. Also, Emily and Nick are coming with us so Emily asked Riley to look after B - troupe so she's dropping me of. With James coming of course. As soon as we're in studio A we see, Richelle and Amy. Riley goes into her sister' s office and James comes with me. Of course he does. "Hey guys." I say. "Hey!" Richelle says. "Hi Piper, oh hi James." James only replies with a wave and nod since it's, 7:30 am, he's tired. "Hey, where are the othes? There meant to..." I couldn't finish my sentence because the doors swung open loudly. "You guys can't fight ALL the time. Especially since dance mania is tomorrow.!" Henry says annoyed. "We have to, according to Eldon, we dance better when we fight so babe, I'm giving all of the snacks that I brought for you to Henry!" "Yes bro" "Whatever." Lily came to where me and Amy are, "We're done." She exclaims . She turns towards Kingston. "For real this time!" She shouts annoyed. "Fine by me!" Her now,(not for long) ex boyfriend exclaimed. Finn comes to me looking stressed out. Finn? Stressed out, no, that's my thing to be stressed out. "Finn, are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine." He says sounding stressed. "Finn?" I ask again grabbing his hand. He looks at me and seems to relax by my touch. "Okay fine, I've never been on a plane before." "That's it?  Finn that's fine, I'm here, i'll sit next you." "Thanks Pipes, I love you." He says but quietly because he spotted James in the room. "I love you too Finn." He leans in and kisses the top of my forehead. "ALRIGHT A TROUPE!" Emily shouts when coming out of her office with Riley. "The bus that's taking us to the airport should be here any minute so make sure you have everything." 

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