Drama and comfort part 2. (at school)

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{ Piper's Pov }

I'm in a deep sleep until I hear knock coming from somewhere. I thought I turned of my  alarm not so long ago. "Pipes?" I hear. Wait, that's Finn's voice. I open my eyes slowly as possible, I did not want to get out of bed. "Pipes?" Finn calls again. "Finn, I'm sleeping." I reply. "Then why are you talking? Your meant to be getting ready for school." He says. I groan as I get out of bed. Finn just laughs at me. "Oh shut up." I say playfully throwing a pillow from my bed at him. "What are you doing in here anyways?" I ask. "Riley told me to wake you up if you were still asleep. And you were. So good morning." Finn says. He leans down as I went on the tip of my toes. He gave me a peck on the lips before turning around to leave. In this moment of time I didn't want him to leave, so I grab his hand. "Where are you going?" I ask knowing the response I would get. "I'm getting out of here before I'm killed by-" "Finn, Piper, breakfast!" Riley calls up cutting Finn of. "Meet you downstairs?" He asks. "Of course." I reply.Finn and I look at each other and then at our connected hands, we disconnect our hands slowly not wanting to let go. When we eventually did, we smiled at each other and then Finn left closing the door behind him.  

{ Finn's Pov }

"This is amazing. Thank you Riley!" I explained whistle eating the breakfast feast she has made for me and Pipes. "Your welcome! Is Piper up?" Riley asks. "She is now. I had to wake her." I respond. I hear someone walking down the stairs, thinking its Piper I turn around. But I'm wrong and its James. He goes straight to Riley and since she's cleaning her plate she can't see him. Once James is right behind Riley, he cuddles her from behind. "Morning babe." He says kissing her cheek. "Good morning, someone's in a happy mood this early." Riley jokes. She turns around in his arms and kisses his lips. Only a second later she pulls away and tells him, " Go get ready, we have a busy day today. You have band and I have business and we need to drop Finn and Piper of since Finn's car is still at the studio." Shit, i forgot I left my car there last night. "Do we have to drop them off?" James moans trying to kiss Riley again but she stops him. Before she speaks she pushes him away," Go get ready. Oh and tell Piper her breakfast is getting cold." As Riley finishes explaining, James very loudly shouts. "PIPES! BREAKFAST!" "I'LL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE!" Piper shouts back. Woah, she can be load if she wants to be.James goes up and I continue eating. 

It's about 10 more minutes until Piper comes down. At this time James is also back eating his own breakfast. "Morning." Piper says kissing my cheek. "Morning." I reply to her. "Pipes, I thought you said that you'd be down in 1 minute. 11 minutes ago." James says. " Yes James I did, but I had to finish packing for school." Piper replies. I can feel an argument coming on. "Why didn't you finish it last night?" Oof, bad move. Doesn't James remember last night I thought to myself. Piper roles her eyes in anger and doesn't say anything apart from, "You know what, I'm not hungry. Finn, ready to go?" To be honest I was still hungry but, I didn't want to make Piper more upset then she already is. "Yeah I am, lets go." When Piper and I finished collecting our things for the day, it was silence. When we we're both ready and she was opening the door, I grab her hand and we walk out. 

{ Piper's Pov }
I'm so angry at James right now. Does he not remember that I  broke down AND had an panic attack at all last night? As Finn and I walk to school hand in hand, we talk about how boring school is going to be again. "Even though school is going to be boring as hell, I can't wait to see Bella again." I say to Finn. Bella has been my best friend from school since the very start. She's helped me through some attacks and surprisingly well, not surprisingly, the only person she's met from dance is Finn. "Yeah that's gonna be awesome for you! I honesty wanna hang out with you two this term, my friends can be annoying." Finn explains. "I know, you've told me before. You can always message me to tell me where you are and hang with me instead you know?" I say. "Yeah I know." We walk for another 15 minutes. Although I hate walking, I love walking if I'm with Finn holding his hand. 

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