This trio is struggling.

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Authors Notes: My friend Ava,(tnsxpinn on Instagram) helped me with this chapter so thank you! 

{ still Piper's Pov } 

As we're waiting for Emily to finish speaking, Finn draws his hand to mine, I think he wants us to have the duet to, or he just wants to hold my mine. I'm fine with either but I'm not sure James is because as well as him looking at me, I can feel his evil eyes on me. "And the duet is going to, Piper and Finn!" As those three words are being said, Finn hugs me and spins me around with excitement. "OMG Pipes this is going to be great" Finn says as he puts me down. I reply to him with, "Yeah, can't wait to dance with you on Dance Mania!" I'm guessing we got distracted with our excited because Emily coughs and says, "Okay so James is going to help choreograph the duet with you two and then we'll see it in two hours if that's okay?" When Emily asks if it's okay, we always say yes because we know she's demanding and not asking. Wait hold up, James is helping us? This is not going to go well. 

{ James's Pov }

I'm happy Emily gave me a chance to help the team out for Dance Mania. I just hope me helping Piper and Finn doesn't bring Piper's anxiety back up because I don't want her to stress. Since I've never been to studio 1 before, ( and that's where Emily told us three to go), the new studio owner Nick showed me to the space. "So, your Piper's brother?" Nick asks "Yeah, why you ask?" "Well I didn't know she had any siblings because she never talks about you" "That's not true,I talk to Finn about James all the time Nick." That was the quickest walk ever and I'm guessing Piper over heard us because of what she responded with."Yeah and what I've heard, he seems pretty cool." Finn says. I then turn my head to Nick and he says, " Well, um, sorry to assume that you didn't Piper. I'll leave you three to it then I guess." As Nick leaves he walks into the bench. "This is why I prefer studio -A, there's more space and less things to fall over!" Piper and Finn are now laughing at Nick's comment. 

"Anyways", I state. "Do you two have any ideas for this dance already or?" For a reply I just get a reply of two lost faces so i'm assuming no. "Do you at least have a song?" "Yeah, it's lose somebody by One Republic" Finn tells me. "I've never heard of that song before but lets get started." I stated and we got to work.

{ Finn's pov }

James's choreo isn't actually that bad. I love dancing with Piper and this duet is 100% going to get us through this round at Dance Mania. Now and then James and Piper argue a little. I don't know why but I feel like James doesn't trust me, not just as his little sister's boyfriend, but as her dance partner. We are now taking another break and because during the breaks is when James and Piper would argue for no reason, instead of arguing(luckily), James suggests a pretty cool idea. "How about we add a lift in this dance?" Yeah!" Piper and I answer at the same time. "Okay, so Finn, whilst Piper does a turning section, you could do a couple of flips and then walk over to Pipes, and then Piper when Finn's walking to you you turn in a circle but walking, and then he could lift you in an ark? And then when the lift is done, Piper maybe you could do your aerial?" "Yeah that sounds cool! Finn?" "Yeah it does" Before we go and try the section James tells me, "One thing before you start, Finn, if you drop her, you'll be"... I'm guessing Piper knew what he was going to say because she cuts James of by shouting "JAMES!" And he stopped. We tried the section, the lift was amazing but Piper didn't land her aerial. James being her older  brother, makes her try over and over again. After a stressful hour of yelling Piper finally nails it! I couldn't be more happy for her so I say when running up to her, OMG PIPES YOU DID IT!" I then hug her and spin her around. When she starts laughing my smile grows bigger because her laugh is my favorite thing in the world. After I put her down it's like I forget what and who's around us, so I start to lean in. 

{ Piper's Pov}

After a really long, hard, stressful hour I finally land my aerial. (again) I can tell Finn is happy for me because he comes up to me saying stating the obvious but in a really happy tone. He then spins me around and I start to laugh. When he puts me down, we look into eachother's eyes for a second before I see Finn leaning in for a kiss. As I lean in to I am reminded that we are not the only to people in the world because... "Okay, okay, since the duet looks good let's go back to the others." James says. I roll my eyes in a jokey way and James speaks again after a second. "Oh and Pipes" "Yeah?" I question my older brother. "I'm proud of you for not giving up" James says. This makes me really happy and I feel a huge grin on my face. "Thanks, that means a lot" I reply to James before saying, "Big bro." at the en. I hit his arm slightly and he smiles and we all walk out of studio 1 back to Studio A.  

As we enter Studio A we hear music playing. Then we see the rest of the team working on the 10 person dance. Emily turns her head when the doors shut behind us and she comes over to us.. "How did it go?" She quietly but loud enough said. To be honest, stressful at the start but it's amazing and good to go." James says. "Well that's good. Maybe when the others are finished we could see it?" Emily questions. Finn and I look at each other before replying to Emily. "Yeah I think. No, I know we can." Finn says. He smiles at me and grabs my hand. We head over to where Nick is and watch the dance. After waiting for a few seconds my nerves kick in. Finn usually senses my nerves, and he did this time as well because he asks me what he usually does. "Hey Pipes, you okay?" He whispers to me so no one else hears. "If not we can always..." Knowing what he was going to say I cut him of with "No i'm good." I'm obviously lying but I want Finn to think I can handle this pressure. "You promise?" He asks. "Yeah, I promise." I feel guilty for lying to him but I don't want Finn to not dance because of my stupid anxiety. Finn tightly holds my hand and then we hear Emily tell the others we are going to perform our duet now.  No pressure. I think.

As Finn and I take the floor, we separate our holding hands so we can dance. When I dance with Finn, it's like there is no one else in this world except for him and I. It's the best feeling I never knew I needed. When I finish my thought I relise I'm in the air, meaning  he's lifting me. Also meaning, my aerial is next. Because I was focusing so much on my thoughts which I never do when I dance, when I do my aerial I stumble and fall. I feel so embarrassed, I probably let Finn down, and worst of all, I could of let James down. I see can see my team mate's eyes travel to me, I don't want to be in this room for the rest of the day. I can feel tears in my eyes so I just run out in horror. I feel like the worst dancer on this team right now, I can't even do a simple move. 

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