Just Don't

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Just don't love me;
Just don't, ever!
I don't want to hurt you and so
I'll 'frame' my reasons.

I'll neither say
"You ain't my type"
And definitely not
"I'm not your type".

If I do that,
you'll blame your destiny
and I'm not gonna give you
even a single reason
to hate yourself or hate
anything in the world
that belongs to you.

I'll give you reasons
that makes 'me' look awful;
awful enough that
you won't even think of loving me.

And I'll keep in mind,
I don't want you to
hate the idea of love;
but just the idea of loving.. me!
The idea of, you loving me!

So, I'll not say
"You ain't capable of loving me."
I'd rather say,
"I don't deserve your love."

I'll not say,
"I'll break your heart someday."
I'd rather tell you,
"Break? I'll not even touch it ever."

Providing you with pros and cons
of loving me
would lead you to introspection
and I can't let you
reach any conclusion.
Conclusion might either be
a yes to loving me or
a confused no, probably.
So, I'll just give you the cons
blocking the road leading you to Yes!

So, here I go and to start with,
Just don't love me!

I'm the extended rainy season
and you don't love even a single rainy day.
I keep wetting everything,
and you love your slippers dry, I know.

I'm your favourite outfit for parties,
which you'd choose over your silk suits.
But you'd never touch it again then,
as it's gonna prick your skin, unlike silk.

I'm the eyes that won't stop flowing,
be it extreme happiness or worst moods.
But you don't like shedding tears in public,
and I just can't let you be in private forever!

I'm the loveliest nanny kids could get,
fulfilling even their impossible demands.
And so I'll be the one carrying blame for ruining them,
when they themselves get their evil wishes fulfilled.

I'm the compass who directs to North,
and will lead you when you'll be lost.
But I won't fail to mislead you,
just at the smell of magnetic field.

I'm the best lie which is better than the truth,
and would definitely save you, no matter what.
But I'll drag you in the habit of lying,
making you forget that truth even exists.

I'm the distance that is said to be necessary,
just to realise and strengthen love.
But I don't really coordinate with time,
as I can turn urge into unfaithfulness.

I'm the magic that startles you,
making you believe everything glittery is gold.
But you'd get bored with the same tricks.
And, you're not fond of gold anyways.

I'm the roof to your house,
which you very rarely leave.
And I'll wait for earthquakes
just to get myself break on you.

I'm the peace everybody craves for;
you also said that you wanted it.
But I'll take advantage of no specifications,
and will bring myself in funerals you'd never want.

I'll have the wish of dying in your arms,
and will make you happiest in the world, by being with you always.
But just when I'll actually be dying in your arms,
I'll tell the world that it's you who murdered me!

I sincerely wish that my every single word
would have pushed you to No.
I just don't want you to love me,
So please, just don't.

And hey, I'll leave you one day,
and won't even come back to ask, "How're You?"
And that one day can come even tomorrow,
You'll love me today and I might just die tomorrow, who knows.

I'm the worst habit you can never fight against,
I'm the sacred love they'll always fight with you for.
Don't ever think of coming close to me,
And for God's sake, just don't love me, Damn it!

~Miss V

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