~2~ Logan's Ace ~2~

Start from the beginning

"Hey!" called Logan and started to run after it.

He continued to try and follow the yellow thing that was teleporting between the bushes until he lost sight of it.

"Where am I?" asked Logan when he noticed that he didn't recognize his surroundings.

He spun around trying to recognize anything, but nothing.

"Hello?" he called out. "I'm lost!"

A tree above him the started to rustle making him look up.

"Ariados~" hissed an Ariados as it started to lower itself down by a web.

"Ah!" screamed Logan and took some steps back in fear. "An Ariados! I must have walked into it's territory!"

Ariados fired a Poison Sting towards him, which hit right infront of him, making him fall backwards and down on the ground.

Araidos then had landed on the ground and started to crawl towards him.

Logan frozen in shock and fear wasn't able to move.

But then something yellow appeared infront of him.

It was an Abra.

The Ariados stopped and fired a String Shot at it, but the string froze and was suddenly shot back.

Ariados hissed as it got stuck in it's own String Shot.

It was then suddenlt lifted up by a psychic force and with a powerful push crashed into a tree.

The Ariados got scared and quickly crawled away and into some bushes.

"W-What.." said Logan processing what had happened. "You saved me"

The Abra didn't move or anything confusing Logan.

"Hello?" he asked and stood up. "Can you hear me?"

Logan walked around him and stood infront of him.

"Well... thank you for saving me, Abra" said Logan. "I am truely greatful"

Abra still didn't move, but for some reason, Logan felt that it had heard him and was glad that he was safe.

Logan smiled and sat down infront of Abra.

"You're sleeping aren't you?" asked Logan. "But even if you're sleeping you can still understand everything that happens around you"

Abra still didn't move, but Logan felt that it agreed.

"Hey, is it alright that I study you for a bit?" asked Logan.

He sat still waiting for an answer, but then he felt that Abra agreed again making Logan smile and stand up.

Logan would walk around him, study him and talk with him.

The two started to bond and had a connection already.

"Logan!" called someone from a distance. "Logan, where are you?!"

"Father!" called Logan as he recognized the voice. "I'm here!"

In just a little time his father had found his location and ran over to Logan.

"I was worried" he said and knelt down. "Don't run into the forest like that again"

"Sorry" said Logan. "But I think I saw this Abra and tried to follow it until I accidently went into an Ariados' territory..."

"What?!" said his father shocked. "Are you alright? Any injuries?"

"No, I'm fine" said Logan. "Thanks to Abra. He saved me!"

"Really?" said his father and sighed in relief.

He then turned to the still Abra.

"Thank you for saving him" he thanked, but no respond. "But we need to go home now"

"Can I meet Abra again later?" asked Logan.

"Of course" smiled his father. "We'll come back at another time!"

"Thanks!" beamed Logan. "See you next time, Abra!"

Abra still didn't move, but Logan felt that it would be there to meet him next time.

Logan and his father then walked through the forest. Not knowing that Abra was teleporting after them to make sure they got out safe.

When out of the forest the two walked into the lab and then went home.

Abra sat on a tree branch at the end of the forest and then teleported into the forest again.

Logan would then often come over to the lab and meet up with Abra.

The two would always hang out there and Logan learned much about the Psychic type.

Some weeks later while he was hanging out with Abra his father came over.

"Hey, Logan" smiled his father and knelt down to them while holding his arm behind his back.

"Yes, father?" asked Logan and walked over to him.

"We've seen how close you are to Abra, so we decided that he can come with you" he smiled and took out his arm to show him a white pokeball with a red belt. "This is a Premier Ball, you can use this to catch Abra"

"Really?!" asked Logan and took the Premier Ball. "Thank you!"

His father smiled and stood up.

"Is it alright that I catch you with this Abra?" asked Logan.

No physical respons, but Logan with his connection with him felt that he wanted it.

"Alright then!" he beamed.

Logan held out the Premier Ball and tapped Abra on the forehead.

Abra was sucked into the pokeball and it shook three times then blinked signaling that he was caught.

Logan then excitedly sent Abra out again.


"And that's how I met and caught Abra who's now Alakazam" finished Logan.

"Alakazam!" cheered Alakazam next to Logan making him smile.

"Wow" said the others.

"That was so cute!" squealed Patton.

"You two must have a really close connection to be able to feel what the other feels" said Janus.

"Yeah" nodded Thomas.

"So that's why you first felt a little uncomfortable when first meeting Janus' and Remus' pokemon" said Virgil. "Being attacked by a Bug-Poison type when you were little..."

"Indeed, but that is all fixed now" said Logan.

"A great story for great partners!" beamed Roman.

"Maybe I should catch an Ariados!" said Remus.

"And why would you do that?" asked Roman.

"Because I can!" said Remus.

"You already got your full team" said Logan. "And if it is to try and scare me it won't work"

"Awwe~" pouted Remus.

"Thank you again for helping back there Alakazam" said Logan and patted him on the head.

"Alakazam!" nodded Alakazam.

"So that's our story" said Logan. "Now it's Thomas' turn"

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