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"Remus!" one could hear being screamed by multiple boys deep in a forest.

Inside the forest a group of 7 had set down a camp with 4 tents, but one of them was on fire.

3 of the boys and their pokemon was doing their best to put out the burning tent while three others chased after the last one who ran around laughing hysterically.

"Remus, get back here right now!" yelled the one dressed in yellow, black and a top hat.

"Why would I?!" laughed Remus who was the one dressed in mostly dark green and black. "You're just going to poison me with your snake, Janus!"

"Not just him!" yelled the one dressed in purple.

"Virgil, I got a plan" said the last one chasing after Remus.

"And what's that, Thomas?" asked Virgil slowing down to jog next to him while Janus continued to chase after Remus.

Thomas whispered the plan to Virgil who gave out a grin nodding.

Virgil stopped and pulled out a pokeball and nodded to Thomas who nodded back then sped up to inform Janus.

Remus didn't know anything that was happening behind him as he was to busy laughing hysterically and running away from the others.

Thomas was soon able to catch up with Janus.

"Janus!" called Thomas making him stop.

"What?" he asked and turned around. "We still need to catch him!"

"We got a plan" grinned Thomas. "Follow me"

Janus studied him for a second until he understood and grinned back.

The two swiftly and quietly ran behind some bushes without Remus noticing.

Not to long after Remus had noticed that something wasn't right and looked over his shoulders.

"What...?" he asked outloud. "Where is everyone?"

Everything was quiet as Remus looked around for anyone.

"Guys?!" he called out.

Suddenly all the trees and bushes started to violently rustle.

"Very funny guys!" yelled Remus and walked over to a bush. "You're not scaring me like that-"

He looked behind the bush, but there was nothing behind it. He looked around, but no one.

"What?" he asked confused.

Suddenly the surroundings started to darken intil it looked like a void around him.

"Uuh~!" oohed Remus. "I love the dark!"

Three floating lights then appeared not to far infront of him in the darkness.

"Oh~!" beamed Remus. "Floating flames! Gimme, gimme!"

He ran towards the flames, but they seemed to get farther and farther away as he went towards them.

"No, don't leave!" yelled Remus trying to reach them. "I want to play with the floating flames!"

The flames completly vanished making Remus stop and look around.

"Awe..." pouted Remus disappointed. "I wanted to play with the flames..."

He turned around and was suddenly touching the nose of a dragon looking face.

It was a Drampa staring right at him.

"Oh, hello there" said Remus. "You wanted to play with the flames too?"

The Drampa seemed to sweatdrop, and if he had listened carefully he could here someone facepalm from nearby.

The Special Pokèvendture of Sanders Sides!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt