The Celebration - Chapter 5

Start from the beginning


The van was silent other than the six of them talking in hushed voices behind. Zinnia and Fred were still not on speaking terms. It felt hot with all the tension in the air.

But once they arrived at The Garden everyone was visibly in a better mood. After a small hike up the steep path, they finally arrived beside the pond. The Hexas had been here once before with the family a few years back. As the others helped Zinnia set the picnic up, Ann walked over to the pond and put her hand in the cool, clear water. The cold wind was pushing her hair behind her ears. Many small fishes gathered around where Ann's hand was. She could've sworn that they were saying something but thinking that she is losing her mind, she went over and began helping the lot set the picnic up.


After the lovely afternoon that everyone had, they all once again packed themselves in the car. Their stomach filled with the variety of sandwiches and cake that they all consumed. Whatever Zinnia does, she does not play when it comes with her food. She packed six types of sandwiches, a whole cake and countless pastries, along with orange juice to wash it all down.

The weather became noticeably cold as they made their way inside the city again in the evening after driving around for two hours around the outskirts of the city. All of them tired with growling stomachs. Dark clouds covered the sky like a thick, black blanket, because it was the middle of September it looked as though rain would be pouring down soon.

Fred stopped in front of a small place so that they could all have dinner there. The small dingy place turned out to be actually really cozy and warm with soft yellow lights hanging from the ceiling making the place even more inviting.

The children ordered themselves burgers, with Laura ordering a pan-pizza instead. Zinnia ordered a chicken salad, while Fred opted for some mashed potatoes, gravy and garlic bread.

After the scrumptious dinner they all ordered ice creams other than Soph who being a lactose-intolerant sticked to the peanut-butter cookies.

When all were well fed, the bill came. ("Hmph!" said Zinnia but she was ignored by Fred who took out his wallet for the payment.)

"And that all would be?" He said taking the bill from the waiter.

Just at that moment, a strong urge came over Ann. An urge of proving herself. Where it came from she had no idea. Before she could stop herself she blurted out.

"Ninety-four dollars and fifty-two cents," she said unaware of her tongue rolling and her lips forming the words. She clapped her hands to her mouth shocked as the waiter looked at her curiously.

"Is- is she right?" Zinnia asked through gritted teeth.

"Why yes, she is. Very intelligent child you got there ma'am," The waiter said kind-naturally. Though Zinnia who never wanted to associate herself with something out of ordinary grabbed Ann by the elbow and led her through the tables to the bathroom.

Ann looked over to see her friends, Jae and the waiter looking confused while Fred just shook his head as he placed the said money and the tip inside the brown payment card.

"Mother stop!" Ann jerked her hand away from Zinnia when she felt her nails clawing into her flesh.

"Never knew you were so good at math," Zinnia said smiling as if she was very proud of her, though her smile didn't quite reach her eyes which remained as cold as ever. Her smile was almost... evil.

"It was just a guess," Ann said trying hard not to stare back at her mother.

"A very good guesser you are then," Zinnia said coolly, smiling even more broadly.

"It was just a coincidence. Why are you making it such a big deal? It's not something out of ordinary-"

"It is something out of ordinary," Zinnia said cutting her off, her smile fading from her face showing her wrinkles.

She was so close to Ann that she could feel her breathe on her.

"And I hate people and things who try to be extraordinary," 

"And I hate people and things who try to be extraordinary," 

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This Illustration was made by my wonderful cousin. Do check her page out on instagram. Her username is dua.draws and she posts awesome content. Go follow her guys :)

 This was made inspired by the birthday celebration (I wouldn't call that a celebration XD) in the first draft. But I still thought it would be fitting posting it here cause why not.

(Thank you so much! :))

Hope you guys liked the update. Sorry for not being active for five days, it's just online classes and stuff. But I hoped you guys enjoyed my longest update yet because I really enjoyed writing it <33

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