Chapter 4

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After a few more agonizing hours of waiting, we finally got our car. It was a silver minivan, and it smelt disgusting. The smell made me want to puke my guts out. Thank god the drive is only ten minutes.

When we drove onto the street of our new house, I was surprised to see two huge moving trucks parked in front of our new house.

When I stepped into the house, I was pleasantly surprised by the inside. Of course I had seen it on pictures but in reality it was even bigger.

"I call the top room!" I scream so everyone can hear it. The top room is basically a small apartment with a separate bathroom and a mini fridge. Not to forget that it is gigantic.

I walk around the empty living room, listening to my own steps echo through it. The only thing in it was a ginormous flat screen TV on the wall. I walked towards the spacey kitchen which had white floor tiles and black and white shiny cabinets. The island in the middle of the kitchen was so shiny and clean you could probably use it as a mirror.

I waddle downstairs into the basement which I guess will be the guest room, which has a couch that can be pulled out to be a bed, and also a separate bathroom.

I walk back to the living room and see Greys starting to carry the boxes in.

"You have a lot of stuff Kitty." he tells me smirking. He knows how much I hate when he calls me that.

I ignore him and walk up the stairs. The first door to the left is a spacey bathroom. Opposite that there is another room that's not too big nor too small which I think is my parents' room. At the end of the hall there is a full sized mirror and one door on either size. the one on the left is Greyson's which is a little smaller than my parents' room but has a loft. The door to the right leads to most important room of the house.

My room.

I go up the stairs and there are two doors. On on the right, which is a bathroom, and one straight ahead which is the door to my kingdom.

I go through the door into my big, windowy room. On the right next to the door is my walk-in closet and straight ahead is the window door to my balcony.

The room is perfect expect for the horrendous color of the walls. They are an orangey pink color like somebody tried - but failed - to recreate the color of a sunset. That will definitely need to change.

I look out one of the huge windows and smile at the beautiful view of the beach connected to our house.

Perks of having rich parents.

The door opens and a good looking guy around my age who I suppose works at the moving company walks into my room carrying a box.

"Hi, I'm just gonna start building up your bed if that's okay." he says smiling revealing two rows of perfect teeth.
"I'm Zach by the way."

I fight back the urge of running away and hiding as he extends his hand for me to shake.

"Kathleen." I respond, my voice barely above a whisper as I shake his hand. "You need any help?" I ask not even sure if he can hear me.

"No it's cool. Just relax. Moving is stressful. I got everything covered." he responds winking at me. I smile back and head downstairs.


After a couple of tormenting hours of unpacking boxes and building furniture, it is 8:45. I somehow ended up getting Zach's number and we talked for a while. I plop onto the couch in the living room, exhausted.

"I invited the neighbors over for coffee and dinner tomorrow. I hope that's okay." my mom states as she stands over the stove cooking tonight's dinner.

I send her a deathly glare and groan.

"They seem nice though. I only met dad but he says he has three sons. One of them's 18. Just like you. You might get along well." She says cheerfully.

I groan again at her enthusiasm but too tired to actually respond.

I walk over to the kitchen and make myself a cup if coffee, which I gulp down in one go. The hot liquid burning my throat wakes me up enough to talk.

"I need to repaint the walls in my room. The color they are right now makes me want to hurl." I tell my mom earning a chuckle from her.

" We can got to a craft store tomorrow and you can choose a new color." she responds making me grin widely.

Back in America I didn't get to choose the color of my room so it is very exciting. It won't be much of a choice tomorrow though since I already know what color I'm going to choose. People might think I'm completely berserk but, even though they're probably right, I've just always fancied having a black room.

" Dinners ready!" my mom calls loud enough for my neighbors to hear.

"You got crazy vocal chords woman." Greys says as he walks to the dining table rubbing his ears.

"Oh don't you 'woman' me young man." She sasses back snapping her fingers.

I chuckle at my family.

We all eat I in silence obviously all fatigued. I'm the first to finish so I put my plate and cutlery into the dishwasher and make my way to my room. I get ready for bed and plop down on the soft object from heaven.

The waves softly crashing from outside my room definitely helps me fall into a deep, long-needed sleep

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