Chapter 15

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"Did we miss something?" Ashton asks with a smirk.

"Well I suppose it was a fun night then." Calum states with a wide grin. Michael just runs over to the bed and bellyflops onto me and Luke.

"Get your fat butt off me." Luke yells at him and he only laughs evilly.

"Can we go to the beach today?" I ask but the guys don't seem too fond of the idea. "Pleeeease?" I beg making puppy eyes at them.

"Fine then." They give in. "But we have to get swim stuff." Luke complains.

"No you just borrow something from Greys." I suggest and we all get up to got to Greyson's room.


"I haven't been at the beach in ages." Ashton says, taking his shirt off and lying down on a towel.

"Me neither." I tell them lying down in the sand.

"Didn't you live in LA though?" Calum asks confused cocking an eyebrow.

"Yeah but I never really left my room. I'm not really the social person." I chuckle getting up. "Who wants to go in?" I ask taking off my blue and white sundress, revealing my American flag bikini. Patriotic I know.

"Nice bikini, but wrong country." Luke observes with a chuckle. All their faces light up immediately and as if they were telepathically communicating, they burst out singing.

"Walk my way, Mrs. All American!" And with that we all ran into the water. You know how in movies you see how people run to the ocean so gracefully? That definitely did not happen right now. Luke trips over his own foot causing Michael to trip over him into the water. Calum's feet get pulled from underneath him by a wave, I fall onto him and Ashton doubles over laughing and all of us immediately follow.

We get up and brush ourselves off. "Oh hi guys. It's nice to see you. What are you doing here?" I hear a sweet familiar voice say. We turn around and see Aleisha standing there.

"It's a beach. What do you think were doing, snowboarding?" Luke asks plainly. Aleisha's face turns red with embarrassment but before she can answer Zach runs up behind her.

"Hey Leish you want som-" He stops once his eyes fall on me and turn bigger than the sun.

"You dic-" Luke starts but I cut him off by nudging him in the ribs. "No Kath. He can't get away with this. Back to you douchebag. how dare you do that to her? What the hell is wrong with you! You got her suspended for two weeks for something she didn't do. You are a disgusting person." He yells before stalking off and me and the rest of the guys follow behind.

"Dude, slay." I whisper yell proudly and try to subtly give him a high five without Aleisha and Zach seeing to keep the serious aura.

"Let's get some food and get back into the water after." Michael suggests and we all agree.


"So what happened with Zach and you?" Ashton asks after we order our food.

"He is a lying butthole." Luke answers for me.

"Sums it up" I chuckle taking a sip from my vanilla milkshake.

"So how's the tour going?" I ask them before takin another gulp of vanilla heaven.

"It's going really good. We're having a blast with the other guys, it's good to your with them again." Ashton nods and my eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"Other guys?" I ask non of them in particular.

"Yeah we're touring with One Direction for the second time now." Luke responds.

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