Story of a Litlle Girl: Part 2

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"We will need her files, everything there is to know about her?" he asked Fury. Fury turned around to look at the group, "Her name given by the orphanage was Mary Sue Poots, but she changed it to Skye while living with Coulson. She's a genius as I said before, with an IQ of 192, two less than that of Tony's 194. She liked hacking, making jokes, sarcasm was a go-to with her and she had quite the personality. Everything else there is to know about her was in the story I told you." Fury stated. "Look we know S.H.I.E.L.D is about secrets and what not but if she is to stay with us, we are going to need to know everything about her" Nat said irritated. "This isn't about secrets Agent Romanov. It's like I said, kids a hacker. She erased everything there is to know about her. She doesn't exist on S.H.I.E.L.D or anywhere else for that matter. Her only history is what is known by people who have met or worked with her." Tony looked at Fury shocked, "she's that good?" "Yes, she is." Fury replied. "Did you say Mary Sue Poots?" Clint burst out. "I did, why?" Fury asked. Clint looked at Fury, "about 3 years ago I was handing out presents at an orphanage, gave a laptop to a little girl named Mary Sue Poots. Didn't know why a 5-year-old wanted a laptop but hey it was what she asked for." Fury nodded, "sounds like the story she told Coulson when asked where she got the laptop." Clint nodded and mumbled, "Wonder if she remembers me."

Fury stepped away from the window toward the group. "She's been living with me ever since I found her in that basement..." Fury was cut off by Clint, "You have her living at a S.H.I.E.L.D base?" Fury glared at him, "No Barton! She has been living with me at my home." He stated, clearly annoyed. "Wait, pirate, you have a home?" Tony quipped. "Yes Tony, where else would I be living?" "A S.H.I.E.L.D basement or the hellicarrier," Tony replied. Fury sighed; he was not in the mood for this. "I will bring her by tomorrow after lunch; give you some time to get ready." The group nodded. "Is there anything else Director?" Steve asked. Fury nodded. "Yes, some things that we need to go over. She might have a history of abuse, but we cannot say for certain, as there are o files or anything on her. She also doesn't want a doctor to examine her so we can't do any medical scans and so forth. There are also a few "rules" I have for her staying here. These rules are not to be changed or broken do you understand?" Fury asked the group, his intimidating Director face, and posture back in place. The group only nodded so Fury continued, "Yes Skye knows about S.H.I.E.L.D, but she will not under any circumstances train to be an Agent of any kind. If the idea so much as just pops up, dismiss it immediately. I don't mind her working on projects, helping with ops and so forth but no becoming anything Agent related. Now with that said, I would like someone here to train her in self-defense so she can protect herself, should they come after her again. After all, she cannot stay in the tower indefinitely. Luckily she won't be going to school as she finished the important subjects while living with Agent Coulson, but Dr. Banner, I want you and Tony to teach her as well. She gets bored easily so challenge her. If she is outside the tower, I want at least one avenger with her at all times. This is just until the threat to her is gone. Other than that, she needs to be a kid, experience the joys of being 8 years old, is that clear?" The group looked at him, confusion, shock, and surprise on their faces. "Of course Director" Steve replied, the rest nodding along. "See you tomorrow, oh and I suggest putting her on a floor with someone else, not alone" and with that Fury got on the elevator and left.

The group stood in the living room not saying anything just glancing and looking at the other members of the team. Pepper excused herself and went to make the necessary arrangements for Skye's arrival. "Well, that was interesting" Tony stated barking the silence. "Yeah, I did not expect that" Steve replied. "I actually can't wait to meet her" Tony stated happily, and with that, he left. Steve nodded and left as well, as he had a lot on his mind and needed to clear his head in the gym. In all honesty, Steve was worried; yes most kids loved Captain America but would Skye like Steve Rogers.

"Do you think she remembers me?" Clint asked Nat. Nat sighed, "I don't know. To be honest I was not thinking about that." She replied. Clint looked at her confused then asked, "What are you thinking about?" Nat looked him in the eye, "well 3 things actually, one did Coulson tell her about us and if so how much. Two, is she researched us, she knows about both our files and what's in them. She could be scared of us. Third, she saw footage of the guy that was going to be her father die. I mean she's 8 she shouldn't have to live with that." Clint put his hand on Nat's shoulder, "look, I don't know what Coulson might have told her, I mean he didn't tell us about her so maybe he wanted to keep her away from our kinds of lives. Now if she did read our files we will just have to convince her we won't ever hurt her and we will just have to help her deal with his death. Be there for her if she will let us." Clint hugged Nat then joked in her ear; "besides Coulson was like a dad to both of us, and that kind of makes her our sister" Nat chuckled but hid her fear. She could face aliens, but meeting an 8-year-old was making her afraid.

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