Unknown Location

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Unknown Location

"Sir, Agent Ward is here as requested", an unknown man, informs the guy in charge, who is sitting behind a large ivory desk, reading through reports, and files on his desk. To his left, lies a Smith & Wesson, Revolver 357 Magnum, the silver barrel glinting in the light from the lamp on the desk, the rest of the room other wisely dark. His face covered in shadows, making him unrecognizable, as he looks up to acknowledge the man that had just spoken to him, "Let him in, and close the door behind you" he declares before going back to his work, not even acknowledging the man's, Yes, Sir, before he left.

A minute later, Grant Ward, hands his berretta P Storm to the guy who just let him in, and with a nod, the guy closes the door behind him. Ward walks to stand in front of the desk, feet apart, hands folded behind his back, the perfect soldier stance, as he waits to be addressed. "What have you found on the girl?' Ward is asked, not even a minute later, the guy not even looking up to meet his eyes. It's at times like these that Ward wishes, that his previous boss was here, Agent Garret, but he is somewhere unknown to Ward, sent on a mission by the guy sitting in front of him. He clears his throat before he speaks, making sure it is clear and steady, not showing, that the guy actually scares him a bit, "Nothing since Brody's sir. As you know we received Intel placing her there, but when we went to interrogate the family, they claimed to not know of the girl." Ward's hand twitches behind his back, as his Commander lifts his steely gaze, to look him directly in the eye, and Ward has to fight the urge, to look away. "Any theories on what happened and where she is?" the Commander asks, more demands, as he puts down his work, hand twitching to the revolver, just encase he don't like the answer. Ward, glimpses and the gun, then looks his Commander in the eye when he speaks, "Yes sir, I believe either bad Intel was leaked, to place us on the wrong path, or the girl's name was changed, and she was actually there. I currently have someone, checking the family records to see if they fostered anyone else, and when I am done here sir, I will be following up with my informant to make sure the Intel wasn't wrong." The Commander nods his head, as he folds his hands in front of him on the desk, tapping his thumbs together, as he strategizes for a moment, thinking through everything he knows. "As you know agent Ward, the girl is of the utmost importance to our operation..." Ward nods his head, not wanting to interrupt, but also wanting to acknowledge that he does know, "So finding her, is key. I believe there are two people that will know where she is, one is Director Fury, the other Agent Coulsen" Ward shifts slightly as he speaks again, "Yes sir, but Agent Coulsen died in the battle of New York." A shiver runs down his back when he sees the Commander's wicked grin, but he schools his features and listens, as the guy speaks, "So you believe Agent Ward, but I have recently learned that Fury somehow brought him back to life." Ward nods his head; of course, Fury would pull something. "Yes sir, but with no disrespect, I have a mission to complete, including, the interrogation of my informant" The Commander nods his head, then presses a button on his telephone, not even a minute later, the door opens and a guard pushes a hooded man into the room, a bag over his head, hands tied behind his back. The guy is forced to his knees, bag removed, before the guard leaves again after receiving a nod from the Commander. Ward stares at the guy in front of him, his informant, who he actually called a friend, as they grew up together. He turns back to the Commander, ignoring his friend who now stands on his knees, a few inches from him, fear all over his face. No weaknesses, he reminds himself. The Commander watches Ward's reactions closely, satisfied with what he sees, he turns his attention to the informant, "Adrian, we have a bit of an Intel problem it seems..." at this Ward glances at his friend, who sharply looks up at the Commander as he continues speaking, "about a week ago, you informed Agent Ward here, that the asset we are looking for was staying at the Brody residence, yet when we searched it and interrogated the family, there was no sign of it. Can you explain?" Adrian looks up at Ward for a moment, eyes pleading for help, but Ward only looks at the Commander. Adrian sighs as he turns to the Commander, ready to explain, "Of course, a friend in the foster care system informed me that she had been moved there. I passed the Intel to Ward. I don't know what happened. I will..." the rest was cut off as the Commander pulled his Revolver, and shot Adrian in-between the eyes. Ward had looked immediately towards his friend, the moment he saw the Commander pull a weapon. For a moment Adrian just stood there, before his body collapsed forward, blood pooling around his head. Ward looked back up towards the Commander, not even wiping the blood spatter from his face, as he was focused on showing no emotion, not wanting the Commander to see that he had formed a friendship, a weakness.

After a few moments of staring at the lifeless body of Adrian, the Commander, placed his weapon back in its place, looking back up at Ward, "Now that that's taken care of, you have a new assignment. You will be infiltrating the team Agent Coulsen is putting together and report back to Agent Garret everything you learn. You have two missions, first and most important, Intel on the girl, we need to find her. Second, how Agent Coulsen was brought back to life, I believe Garret is in need of that information, and well, he is one of our best agents." Ward took in all the information then replied with a Yes, sir. The Commander told him, another agent would brief him on anything he needed to know, and then dismissed him, telling him to send the guard in to clean up the mess, before going back to work. As Ward left the office, he had to hide his relief of having to go back to reporting to Garret. To be honest the Commander scared him and freaked him out, which is why he hated working with the guy. As he left he told the guard about Adrian, and then as he walked out the building he took a moment to grief and then promised himself, no more attachments. He got in his car and left for his meeting with another agent, ready to be briefed for his next mission.

Not even 2 days later, he was on his way to Paris for a mission, ordered by S.H.I.E.L.D.

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